I worked in advertising and marketing my entire adult life. For both a newspaper and online new media marketing too. You wouldn’t believe everything they do to make you think certain ways, or to make you want to buy certain products and so on…
Even colors cause distinct thought processes and actions too…Take McDonald’s for instance…they use the color Red inside their restaurants take a good look,
Between these two things, the color Red and the hard seats, people do not stay very long. They can get more customers served day to day, by having a high rotation of people eating, leaving, and then having new customers sitting down to eat…clever right?
But that’s only a tiny example of manipulation.
In retail stores they do a lot to make you think certain ways;
1. the the majority of people will walk in and immediately turn to the right. So they put impulse buys
2. They use bold print, pictures, matching colors, songs and jingles in the store, particular words on signs and walls, and so on… to make you go to a particular area, or even to purchase certain products too.
Everything you see and do has been researched and thought through. Companies like Google and Facebook make most of their money, not in advertising dollars, but by selling everyones personal data and behavior patterns to these big Thinktanks that harvest it and sell that info on to advertising agencies to use in marketing campaigns and product designs and so on.
In the newspaper advertising world, you only have between 2 and 4 seconds to catch someones eye and give them the pertinent info before they turn the page and move on.
The ads must be pefectly set too, everything from colors and pithy headlines, to where the ad is placed is a perfectly planned exicution, and it has become over the years, a carefully studied science too.
And so, ad designing for Newspapers and Magazines, and even TV shows has become big business. There is a real science behind every piece of it…and it is so manipulative that most people don’t even know it is happening to them.
Like some, I too see it constantly in everything around me, because I was in the industry for so long. But the scary part too, is that its not just advertisers any more who do it. Its political PACs, Parties, Tech giants and others using this manipulative science to manipulate us all.
They use every outlet at there disposal to spread their message, from Sporting stadiums, to Hollywood, to Mainstream News Media, to Pop Music, and so on… all to push certain view points and agendas. And they do it, because it works so successfully.
As I said, because of both my personal work experience, and my training too, I know that it is real and it does happen, which is why I can see through it and fight against it.
You may not see it, or believe it woks. But if it didn’t, then these companies wouldn’t spend millions, even billions of dollars to use it, In advertising, marketing, politics, and those “evil” Wall Street Corporations do it too…you name it…they use it, it’s big business.
And if you can’t see it, maybe that’s the real proof of how effecive and successful it really is.
Most people have no idea that they are being influenced everyday. If you have ever gone to a mentalist, then you have seen it too, they use a lot of the same science.
Its not just all about your micro expressions and body language, they can literally put ideas in your head and influence your thoughts and decision making, by what they say, the props that they use, even the colors and symbols…
…it’s all about subconscious suggestion
Please take the following test and prove me right.
While you have been reading this, I have implanted a secret message too, a number, it’s between 1 and 5…
…choose a bubble below, If it worked, about 40% of you will choose the same number.
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pic.twitter.com/aXDfu4Q4md— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 14, 2024
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