Tammy Seymour Dillingham

De Blasio is out of his mind, and showing the entire country.

DonkeyHotey. “Bill De Blasio - Caricature.” Flickr, 2019, www.flickr.com/photos/donkeyhotey/47973737483/.

5 years ago

Nancy Pelosi keeps her spirits up with $13 a pint ice cream while AT HOME. Meanwhile, there is no money left in the Paycheck Protection Program.

You would think she would not be so tone deaf after all her years in Politics. In supposed service to…

5 years ago

Social distancing reporting by text. What’s next?


5 years ago

Update to Greenville, Mississippi ban on church services and $500 citations.

The DOJ intervened in the Greenville, Mississippi case of church members being given $500 citations for attending a drive through…

5 years ago

Is Freedom of Religion under attack in the United States? Who is right, the Governor or the people?

We are interested in hearing what our followers think. Please leave your thoughts in the comment section. “Plaintiffs have made…

5 years ago