Tammy Seymour Dillingham

Women all over want to know why Lori Lightfoot, Chicago’s Mayor, thinks she is special? She defied her state’s shelter in place order. What do you think should happen now?

Women all over the United States are going without the services we feel important. Salons of all kinds are closed…

5 years ago

WAIT! WHAT?!?!?!?!

Seriously, we have to do better than this! https://www.foxnews.com/us/doctors-coronavirus-health-pay-cuts

5 years ago

Doctor’s are in jeopardy in more ways than one during this pandemic.

Imagine working on the frontines in an emergency room, doing everything you can to help others survive, just to have…

5 years ago

Should we be on alert in regards to those that eat bats?

Since Covid-19 is believed to have started in animals and passed to humans, should we, here in the United States,…

5 years ago

Is Virginia lost for good?

Virginia's Democrat Governor has repealed the Voter ID law. He states his "position" on this issue this way: “Voting is…

5 years ago