Tammy Seymour Dillingham

Are we really willing to allow our Constitutionally protected Rights to be infringed upon?

In an Update to our Original story: the pastor of the church where these people were all fined for sitting…

5 years ago

Finding out how many people in the United States actually have had Covid-19 is closer to becoming a reality.

The truth is, even with the large numbers we are seeing, they are not exactly accurate. The CDC has said…

5 years ago

AND the Left claims Trump is evil and morally bankrupt??

I get so tired of hearing all their nonsense over Trump. It gets ridiculous all by itself. THEN you read…

5 years ago

9th Circuit Court of Appeals strikes again

This was effective! SCOTUS Justices are bashing Trump and his Administration for all the emergency filings. They should look in…

5 years ago

Democrats ARE politicizing the coronavirus!

They are accusing Trump of EXACTLY what they are doing, and the AP has fact checked them!! Tell me what…

5 years ago