For those leftists accusing good men and women in Congress of being “in bed with the NRA,” they aren’t just unfairly bashing the NRA, and they aren’t just unfairly bashing those good men and women.

They are wrongfully bashing our US Constitution, which has something called the 2nd Amendment—the very amendment that explicitly says our right to bear arms shall not be infringed (ie limited).

It is that 2nd Amendment—part of our Constitution—the NRA is trying to protect and defend. Since when is protecting our Constitution considered wrong?

The NRA is not in the gun selling business. They don’t arm people. They don’t sell ammunition. They don’t promote terrorism or crime. They promote our right to bear arms, standing up for we, the people, and against the leftists who want to abolish our freedoms.

Just as Americans from all walks of life stand their ground against those who attempt to overthrow our 1st Amendment, the NRA is there to protect our 2nd.

Facebook- Colin Noir

What many fail to understand is that our 2nd Amendment protects ALL of our rights. For without it, we have no redress and are left powerless.

For a better understanding of just how powerless we would be without it, ask our friends in Venezuela, ask a Holocaust survivor, or anyone from myriad other countries where firearms are illegal, where most now live in abject poverty and as slaves to their government.

If the leftists get their way on this, that amendment would be nullified. It’s already happening.

Shall not be infringed (ie limited) has turned into laws actually limiting/infringing upon what type of firearm you may own, what capacity magazine the firearm can use, gun registration, restrictions on transporting firearms and ammunition, even laws forbidding the transport of legally owned firearm from your home to a firing range in another town. The list of limitations placed in this guaranteed right that is supposed to be without limit keeps growing.

Watch: Second Amendment Rally At US Capitol

But, the implications don’t stop there. It sets a very dangerous precedent.

If they can take away one guaranteed Constitutional right—especially THAT guaranteed Constitutional right—we would have no means to stop an errant government if/when they decide to take away any or all of our other guaranteed rights, since the moment they abolish one amendment, it means none are guaranteed.


This is why no guaranteed right should ever be abolished, as it would prove that such a guarantee means nothing.

There shouldn’t be a discussion about abolishing our rights. What good is a guaranteed right when it’s in constant danger of being removed?

The 2nd Amendment isn’t there to tell us we may own a firearm. It’s there to forbid the government from telling us we can’t. The implications on this are huge. If the government can abolish this right, then we have no rights. All become subject to the whims of those in power. To abolish a guarantee, makes every other guarantee worthless.

Typically, those who join together to protect and defend our rights are considered rights activists. But not when it comes to our 2nd Amendment—the one Amendment that guarantees that our other rights are safe.

If you try to protect and defend THAT right, however, you’ll be hated by the left.

This speaks volumes. Just as any other criminal would be delighted if our right to bear arms was taken away, giving that criminal free reign to terrorize the law abiding citizens of this country, criminal leftist also want us disarmed.

Their mantra: “People are dying because of guns,” has caught on to our youth, and for obvious reasons: children are more easily manipulated and are less likely to see the whole picture. They can’t see past the surface of that mantra, ignoring statistics that show an estimated 500,000 to 3,000,000 people are saved each and every year in this country because they chose to exercise their 2nd Amendment right…with a firearm.

At least half a million people escape harm and death every single year by exercising their 2nd Amendment right, protecting themselves and their loved ones…with a firearm.

Clearly, when you see the statistics, disarming the general public isn’t about our safety, since having a firearm saves millions of lives. No. It’s about control. It’s the first big step needed to leave millions upon millions of people defenseless in the face of danger.


…defenseless against a government that has proven that our guaranteed rights, protected by the Constitution, are in near constant jeopardy…and are not so guaranteed after all.

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Jae Eubanks

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