Batwoman: Lesbian Social Justice Warrior

Hollywood, and Spacificly The CW, just can help themselves; once again they have taken a great idea for a new Superhero TV show and turned it into a snowflake safespace… one discription we found for the new show (pictured above) reads like this [emphasis added]:

Armed with a great passion for Social Justice and with a great facility to always say what she thinks, Kate Kane is known on the streets as Batwoman, a lesbian highly trained to fight crime…

Now, why couldn’t she just have a passion for regular Justice, why does it need to be for Social Justice? And why couldn’t she be just an extreamly smart, strong and capable woman, who was highly trained…why do they have to qualify her first and foremost as a lesbian?

Because they meant exactly what they said. They are doing this in almost every piece of entertainment we see now, TV, Music, Movies, Award Shows, News…you get the point. Every new show this fall is going to have a Social Justice main theme to it, mark my words; and like all of the other DC comic hero shows on The CW network, they are more interested in being left wing propaganda, than they are in being entertainment.

Believe me, no one cares that she’s a lesbian…she’s frick’n Batwoman, that’s totally awesome and all that is required to tell the story! None of us care about the sexual preference of batwoman, yet they made the entire inaugural episode all about it…why?

All in all, this new CW show was fairly entertaing, if you can ignore all of the obvious Social Justice inlays they throw in for no apparent reason. I think it’s almost time for me to give up on hoping that Holywood will just get back to making awesome new movies and TV shows. Ones without the leftist political slant, being shoved down our throats, that we literally get everywhere else.

We wrote another story about this some time ago, about one of the other DC shows, “supergirl” see it below and keep reading our other articles after for more about Hollywood’s leftist agenda:?

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Jason Haugen

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