Categories: From the Page.

BEING LIBERAL: INCONCEIVABLE! (You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”)

If you believe that people should be treated equal regardless of race, gender or sexual orientation…

If you are vehemently opposed to racism in any form…

If you have a strong desire to lift those who are down on their luck out of poverty…

If you believe “fairness” should be a consideration when it comes to laws, immigration, and wage earnings…

If you care deeply about your fellow man…

…and you call yourself a liberal…

…as Inigo Montoya once said in The Princess Bride, “I do not think that word means what you think it means.”

People tend to associate with a particular political entity based on how closely their own system of beliefs meshes with the stated platform of their party. But what happens when you align yourself with a political group because the message they assert gives you a sense of belonging, only to later realize that the actions of that party don’t match their message?

What if, once you dig a little deeper, you come to the conclusion that the actions of your party actually contradict your beliefs? In effect, contradict the very values you hold most dear.

As Brandon Straka has suggested, it might be time to #WalkAway.

“Words Verses Deeds” has become a time honored lesson in cognitive dissonance. The liberals like to call themselves the party of tolerance…all the while showing intolerance on a scale fast approaching that of Nazi Germany, attacking free speech, attacking those who support the US Constitution, attacking some of the nation’s most generous and hard-working people, and the vision our founding fathers fought and died to defend. The anger and contempt they express while treating their fellow human beings like something nasty stuck to the bottom of their shoes is beyond snobbery.

It’s barbaric elitism.

The group that prides itself on being open minded, has become the most closed-minded of all. How can that be? Isn’t the very nature of tolerance to show such to those who think differently than you?

When liberals are only tolerant as long as you believe as they do, that’s not tolerance at all. And what exactly is it that “they” believe?

When you look at the surface, what shines in the sunlight is a message of virtue. Don’t we all want to think of ourselves at least to some degree as virtuous? And if you are the party of tolerance and virtue, then it seems to follow that “the other party” must be anything but. Mostly, because, that’s the deceptive mechanism of choice for today’s liberal political propagandists.

The word liberal has become synonymous with hypocrisy, as they demonize those who believe differently than they do, and in the process dehumanize anyone who dares to disagree.

It’s the very definition of intolerance!

And once you dehumanize one person, it becomes that much easier to dehumanize everyone, and sadly civility and common decency are lost along the way.

Liberalism is an exercise in sophistry. All bright and shiny on its top layer. But once you dig just a little below that deceptively glowing surface (go watch videos of conservatives being harassed in restaurants and other public places, threatened and bullied by followers of liberal ideology. Listen to the liberal elitist attitude of superiority as they talk down to others, shaming and degrading in the name of “tolerance.”) if you research this with an open mind, their message of virtue begins to ring hollow.

Dig a little deeper, and you’ll realize their true message is one of control and hatred. Because, as anyone with even a little intelligence knows, actions speak louder than words.

If you believe that people should be treated equal regardless of race, gender or sexual orientation…are vehemently opposed to racism in any form…have a strong desire to lift those who are down on their luck out of poverty…believe “fairness” should be a consideration when it comes to laws, immigration, and wage earnings…care deeply about your fellow man…

…whether you realize it or not, chances are, you’re actually a conservative.

Contrary to what the left has preached these past few hundred years, most conservatives are a welcoming and compassionate people.

We’re the ones you’ll see dropping money in The Salvation Army’s little red kettle outside of your local supermarket.

We’re the ones who sponsor children in underdeveloped countries.

We’re the ones holding the Post Office door open a little longer so you can make it inside with your arms full of packages.

We are the ones who championed civil rights.

And, we love our country, regardless if it’s a democrat or a republican who sits in the White House.

Get to know us. And maybe you’ll get to know yourself a little better along the way.

Support The RightWay; Buy us a cup of coffee

Jae Eubanks

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