
Biden Losing To Bernie In New Polls

Looks like Joe Biden is having a hard time in the polls with questions of corruption by him and his son Hunter Biden being brought up everyday, thanks to the Democrat impeachment hearings.

The one time Democrat shoe-in to win their nomination for President is now losing in a big way to openly socialist Bernie Sanders. Whose popularity continues to grow , mostly with mellenials, but enough to put him comfortably in the lead.

The Democrat party has moved further and further to the left over the past couple of years, so it should be no surprise that they are now supporting a socialist to be their nominee. However, as with Hillary, there has always been a feeling that it was Joe Biden’s “time” and that he was presumed to be “Their Guy.”

So how has bernie jumped ahead so quickly? There are many theories but the one that is given most is that the Democrat’s push for the Impeachment of Donald Trump has completly backfired on them and now very few Democrats actually Trust Biden. Especially with all the looming questions over curruption of Ukrainian company Burisma and it’s placing of Hunter Biden on it’s board, paying him millions of dollars. this all happening, while his father was vice president; who admitted to blackmailing Ukrain by witholding a Billion dollars in aid, until they fired the DA who was investigating that company and Biden’s son.

There are also connections to Burisma, by John Kerry’s son who was also put on their board and was close to Hunter Biden. They were business partners. Ties have also been linked to the Nephew of Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff’s son as well; the two people most actively tryng to get rid of President Trump since the first day of his presidency.

People seem to just be getting sick and tired of the corruption and pay for play schemes in Washington, and that seems to be hurting Biden’s chances and helping Bernie.

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