
Biden’s potential running mates….Whitmer, Warren, Abrams, Demings, Rice…? Really? What do y’all think??

The list for Biden’s running mate is being discussed everyday. It is interesting to see who he is looking at to fill that spot. The problem, though, is some of his potential choices have created some serious problems for themselves. Those problems will become Biden’s in his campaign against Trump.

Gretchen Whitmer
?Gerald R. Ford School
of Public Policy,
University of Michigan.

Gretchen Whitmer, the Michigan Governor, is being considered due to her Covid-19 pandemic response. That response reeks of Government overreach, and she is not liked by her own constituents. It would not seem to be a good idea to include these issues in any campaign against Trump.

Elizabeth Warren
?Gage Skidmore

Elizabeth Warren brings her own bucket of mess. She has gained, throughout her life, from using a minority status based on a lie. Warren refused to back down from that lie when confronted repeatedly. She claims to be very left in some of her ideas, but she has an extensive history in politics that belies those positions. If she vacates her seat to run, the Massachusetts’ Republican Governor would be able to appoint someone to her seat in the Senate until a special election. The Democrats are hoping to regain the Senate. Having a Republican majority in the Senate, even if just in the first few months of Biden’s presidency, is not something he is likely to want to happen. Then there is the fact that she spent months campaigning against Biden, and those differences, that she pointed out herself, will definitely be something that the Trump campaign uses against both her and Biden.

Stacey Abrams could not win in her own state, and it was an ugly fight. She refused to concede, and played victim throughout the battle. Abrams uses the race card in ways that are not good for anyone, and that would be horrible for the United States.

Val Demings
?U.S. Congress

Val Demings seems to be everything Biden is looking for except in the experience department. She is a woman, a person of color, and young enough to be able to serve immediately if something were to happen to Biden. She was the first woman Chief of Police in Orlando Florida. That says a lot about the type of person she is, but will Biden consider that the experience he is looking for? She was elected to the House Of Representatives in the 2016 election, and has only been serving at the Federal level since 2017. Florida is a swing state, and that may help her in his considerations. Demings served as an Impeachment Manager in the farce of a proceeding against Trump. This would make her a ready target for Trump and his campaign.

Susan Rice
?Obama White House

Susan Rice has said that she will accept the offer if he proffers it. Rice, though, comes with so much baggage, the idea that he would really consider her is ludicrous. She is a woman of color with experience. The problem is that, with all that experience, when people think of Susan Rice, they think of Benghazi. Her position in the Obama Administration put her on the front lines of that Administration’s defense of what really happened in Benghazi. While this may not have affected her or that administration among the Democrats, Trump and his allies including the GOP, will not ever forget her involvement in that outrage and it’s coverup.

There are others he is said to be considering. What do y’all think of these woman and the others on his “short list”?

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