
Can’t We Have Both?

For the past two months our economy has taken a big hit. We still have “essential personnel” working, while many others stay home.

Our country is divided over this issue. It’s not a party line divide, either. It’s not about religion, gender, or any other typical line.

This is about people who are afraid.

Some, afraid they’ll catch what could be a very deadly virus to them, while others, afraid not only their businesses will go under, but the entire country if we don’t get things moving along.

We already have “essential personnel” out there working long shifts, taking care of our hospitals, nursing homes, grocery stores, and many restaurants who do delivery. Pharmacists have learned to allow just a few masked and gloved people in at a time to get their meds. Our police force are in action. Utility companies running full steam ahead. Our cell phones still work. We can stop and pump gas while wearing our masks and gloves. And many offices have found ways for their people to work from home.

If you can work from home, count yourself blessed. You can still generate income and practice safety measures.

Those able to collect unemployment are also able to stay home and practice social distancing, unlike our doctors and nurses and their staff.

However, we have an entire sector of people in danger of losing everything: the self employed. They run small businesses, alter clothing, style hair, polish nails, run investigation companies, offer fishing trips, sell shoes, and provide a whole host of other services… While their employees are covered by unemployment, the owners typically are not. They are in danger of losing everything they’ve worked a lifetime to achieve.

Their anger is justifiable.

Even if a stay order is put in place to to stop them from being evicted, once their businesses are completely destroyed, all their business loans have come due, groceries, personal rent, etc must be paid…those building rent payments will eventually come due, as well—and with these small business owners having received no unemployment, made no sales, and completely stifled to the point of beyond not just being left impoverished, but in debt “up to their eyeballs.”

We’ve learned that people can act responsibly. My last trip to Costco, everyone wore masks and gloves (albeit one woman didn’t seem to realize the mask should also cover her nose). We can conduct business in a safe way.

We, the American People, are capable masters of our own ships. And should have the choice of balancing our need to work against the worries of COVID.

At the same time, those who are very high risk or living with someone high risk…Why must they be forced to return to work just now? Wouldn’t it be better for all concerned if those who can return to work safely do, while those who cannot get a doctor note so they can remain home?

As long as the most vulnerable can stay home, why would it matter to them if those who can work and be responsible about it, do work? No one is forcing them to visit a nail salon. Doesn’t having a population willing to work through this pandemic free up more money to our economy and leave more government money available to our more vulnerable citizens?

We can truly work together on this. We can come to a solution that could give our economy a much needed jumpstart while keeping our more vulnerable people in safer conditions.

We don’t need to argue with each other over who is right. Both sides are. And we can do both if we continue to be responsible human beings.

So lighten up. And remember: We are not all in the same boat. We are all in the same storm on different boats. So instead of arguing about this, think about your family and neighbors and do what’s best for everyone. We can do this.

It CAN be both ways.

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Jae Eubanks

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