
REPARATIONS: How Liberals Manipulate The Weak-Minded for Political Gain

We’ve heard a lot of talk lately about reparations for the descendants of slaves, with arguments heating up on both…

5 years ago

Sandy Hook Promise’s Graphic Back To School Shooter P.S.A. Is Not Anti-Gun

As I watched this new P.S.A. video from the group, Sandy Hook Promise, I couldn't look away; as a father…

5 years ago

John Stossel; Lessons From Africa

This is why we urge you here in America to #VoteRed2020. Conservatives believe in Smaller, Limited Government, Lower Taxes, and…

6 years ago

They Are Coming After Me; Comedian Recieves Death Threats from Leftists and Harrassed by Facebook

Twitter; Terrence K Williams Comedian Terrence K Williams is fearful for his life, after he recieved multiple death threats from…

6 years ago

“The Hunt” Attack on Conservatives, or Brilliant Marketing Ploy?

Courtesy: wikipedia "THE HUNT" ☆~Some Updated thoughts on this, from Jason Haugen.~☆ Ok guys, so…like most of you, I read…

6 years ago

It’s Not Trump That Is Spreading Hate & Fear; It’s the Leftists in The Media & Government

Of course the Left is attacking Trump, they will never admit and acknowledge their roll in dividing this country. As…

6 years ago


Credit: https://eng24kbcc2015.wordpress.com/2015/05/27/by-carlo-finazzo/amp/?usqp=mq331AQCKAE%3D Imagine living in a world where anyone could be investigated... At any time... For any reason... Or for…

6 years ago

The Big Lie: Another Plague of Systematic Dehumanization

There have been times throughout history when large numbers of the population decided that certain other human beings were property,…

6 years ago