
Cinco De Mayo Fail

Last Night, my sister and her best friend decided to celebrate Cinco de Mayo here in Las Vegas, by sharing a Mexican meal together (separately in their own vehicles) in a parkinglot of a local park. Their way of reconnecting after a long time of being under this “house arrest” caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

She went online and found a local restaurant that offered “curbside” pickup of the meal and all it said that she would have to do is call in her order and park in one of several spacific coronavirus patking spots that the restaurant had designated.

She expected that they would be a bit busy and figured that she may have to wait in her car a little while to get her food curbside. But what happened when she got there was anything but “Curbside Social Distancing Service.”

There has been some real and unquestionable overreach by some Government officials during this crisis, we have seen drive up Church services cancled and people who attended were ticketed and fined. Local parks, lakes and beaches have been closed for seemingly no good reason. And the rights we had before all of this are getting harder and harder to keep.

However most of us still understand the importance of Social Distancing, and things like good hygiene such as washing our hands often. We know not to go out into public if we are sick, to cover our mouths when we caugh or sneeze and to respect others who are around us because there are so many “high risk” individuals out there. We have seen the numbers continue to rise from active cases of the virus, and eventhogh the deathrate is relatively low and has stayed fairly consitant the numbers of deaths also continue to rise, one report said that we could see as many as 130,000 deaths here in the US bu October. But it is not just the deaths that are concerning. I have heard and watched several first hand accounts from survivors of this disease, who have all said getting it was pure Hell. Yes their are many others who have said that they got it, and that it was not very bad on them, but I myself would rather not find out which camp I would fall into if I was infected with it.

The bigest issue is that there are many people who believe this is all a bunch of nonsense and they completely ignore any of the advice from Doctors and Government officials. Like everyone in the above picture for example. My sister couldn’t believe what she found as she pulled up into the curbside parking space of this restaurant.

She said almost no one was wearing masks, and absolutely no one followed the 6 foot social Distancing rules. She told me that there were people caughing openly into the croud without covering their mouths. She is one of those vulnerable, high-risk of death people, as she is immunocompromised, as is our mother who she cares for; who is at stage four kidney failure, and also has breathing trouble because of asthma, and previous heart problems as well. So they have done well at staying safe and healthy so far. Because if either of them were to get the virus it could be a terrible tragedy for our family.

We all want to get back to the way things were Pre-Pandemic, but it is getting hard to see that we will be “open for business” very soon and trusted to self govern with this mess; when people are given the opportunity to show they can handle the responsibility and fail so miserably at it…

…here is how she described the scene lastnight in a facebook post.:

“So, this was the craziness at Cafe Rio tonight. I expected it to be busy, but this was insanity. I pretty much had a panic attack because they were just calling out names and you had to walk through that crowd to get your food! I was not going to do that, with me being at high risk and my mom even more so. It was supposed to be curbside to your car but apparently people couldnt figure out not only how to park in the right spots and stay in their car, but they had no clue what social distancing means either. The workers could not control the crowd, there was no organization and people were more irate than me and causing more chaos. I decided to high tail it out of there and not get food but some crazy B* parked right behind me perpendicular and blocked me in. I tried for like 10 mins to find out who’s car it was before I lost it myself and threatened to ram it. The lady (who had been ignoring me, in front of me the whole time) finally decided to admit it was her car and moved it. Most people were not wearing masks, definitely not staying away from each other, people were even coughing without covering their mouths! It is not fair that I can’t get food freely and safely because others think this is not serious and don’t follow simple rules to stay apart from each other and stay in their damn cars!! Yes we have freedom but we won’t for long when this is how the majority acts. They will close down curbside too if people cant follow simple rules.”

I personally am a big proponent of the constitution and our individual rights that it protect us from against any Government who seeks to infringe apon them to control us. Tyranny to too easy when the powerful people in a Government want to maintain their power over the governed. And I like to believe that people can mostly govern themselves and that most can use common sense, good will, and respect when dealing with their neighbors…

…but even I find this reprehensible.

And she is correct, the longer people act this way, the more the disease will continue to spread and the longer that Government will try to stop it by keeping us “Locked Up” at home.

It is also the sole purpose of Government to protect its people. but there is a limit to how much protection our Government gives us, especially when it says “it is for our own good.” So we all need to be responsible and take this seriously (without panick) and be mindful of ourselves and the people around us as we move into this next stage of getting back to normal.

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Jason Haugen

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