From the Page.



Imagine living in a world where anyone could be investigated…

At any time…

For any reason…

Or for no reason at all.

If you dare take a stand against them, YOU become their next target. 

They will do anything to stop you…

Silence you… 

By any means necessary…

Violating the very rights guaranteed to you under our United States Constitution. 

It begins in secret, without your knowledge or consent.

Your every interaction, both public and private, watched, recorded, skillfully dissected and second guessed by prying governmental eyes…

For only one purpose…

To destroy you. 

The full weight of their frenzied political machine is used against you…

As long as they can get to you…

Even if it means destroying anyone or everyone you know…

Including your children…

Including your friends…

Including past and present acquaintances…

Especially anyone who, regardless of the reason, may no longer be your biggest fan. 

Everyone you meet with, speak to, their lives laid bare by highly skilled manipulators…

Scrutinized under government microscopes…

To find something…

Anything they can use…

Against you…

In search of a crime…

Any crime…

To destroy you. 

They systematically delve into every aspect of dozens, hundreds of lives, searching for suspicious activity, sifting through bank records, poring over tax filings, travel information, business dealings, phone records – anything they can use against those who know you, then turn on the pressure, using manipulation, well-honed fear tactics – their governmental taught tools of the trade – to cut a deal.

One that can be bartered down to a much lesser offense…

Or possibly overlooked entirely…

But only if that individual gives them something they want…

Your head on a platter.

If this can be done to the President of The United States, it can be done to anyone…

There is a reason our forefathers drafted our Bill of Rights. They had seen this type of government corruption before and wanted to ensure no US Citizen had to endure such unjust treatment. Our forefathers wanted the power in the hands of The People, with the government answerable to us – not the other way around. 

Our Constitution is essential in keeping the government machine in check. Power does corrupt. And we all know what “absolute power” does. If not, take a good look at what’s been happening in places like Venezuela.

Our guaranteed rights, a mandate to our government to preserve for all generations, have, in an unprecedented move, recently been denied to our very own United States President. 

Political hack opposition research, completely unverified and highly questionable on many levels, was used to obtain a FISA warrant. Such a warrant must meet certain criteria, and involves bringing forth “credible” evidence before the FISA court, and a determination is made based on that evidence, evidence that must be strong enough to be considered suitable cause to violate the very core of a citizen’s Constitutional freedoms. 

An unverified political hack piece is not credible evidence. 

Those who deceptively passed this unverified dossier to that court as if it were credible evidence, should have known – must have known – it was unverified before they used it. 

It should have been their job to verify it first.

They used a dossier that was nothing more than political opposition, also well aware that it had been compiled by a former British Intelligence officer who was so inept that our own FBI had severed ties with him because this man would blow his own cover, to the point where some had labeled him “ the spy who blabbers.”

The democrats also apparently knew it was garbage. It was so preposterous that even Team Hillary was cautious enough to not float the unverified dossier out to the general public during the presidential election race, obviously preferring lies that are not so easily disproven. 

Imagine, the info was so non-credible, that even the people who paid for it, realized it couldn’t be used without coming back to bite them. 

The dossier, commissioned and paid for using underhanded routes by Team Hillary, and the Currupt Clinton Cartel, was compiled by a known Donald Trump hater. 

Unverified, much of it disproven while the rest was too unbelievable, compiled by a known Trump hater, paid for by his rival, Team Hillary… And so ridiculous in nature that even they knew she couldn’t use it without getting egg on her face…

And still, in an effort to discredit and destroy the newly and duly elected President of The United States, this “insurance policy” of unverified opposition rubbish, was inappropriately used under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) to obtain a warrant to spy on a United States Citizen, violating his rights. 

Read more about this here:

A very dangerous precedent has been set. Unless those responsible are stopped and punished – severely – for their crimes, this type of violation against our Constitution and against a sitting US President, could happen again. 

If they can do it to him, they can do it to us. 

As long as those in power bastardize our Constitution for their own gain, use underhanded tactics to manipulate judges to subvert our guaranteed rights, no one is safe…

Not even you. 

Jae Eubanks

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