
Death By A Thousand Cuts by Johnny Rowland

Johnny Rowland Column for March, 2020

Cactus Chronicles

Death By A Thousand Cuts. (840 words)

Cancer is cunning, resource and power mad, but ultimately turns out to be a really stupid disease. It relentlessly works to overcome and control its host, while stealing the life sustaining means available to the body in which it lives. Left unchecked, the end result is utter destruction of the entire organism. On the other hand, if effective treatment is administered after the cancer has a firm hold on the body, then many times the body does not survive the combative process, or at the very least, may be permanently crippled, disfigured, or weakened, even if the offending cancer is finally defeated. Amazingly, the cancer only has one aim: to flourish by overcoming its host; never giving any consideration to long term survival. It desperately needs a strong and healthy host to support it, but it is simply too stupid to grasp that its own insatiable desire for nutrients and control will lead to complete destruction of the living entity it inhabits and is dependent on, thereby sealing its own fate. (Do we see any correlation to our modern political climate here?)

Liberal socialism is indeed a leading cancer on our American way of life. It uses coddled snowflake students along with sheltered millennials, and still others who are not in touch with history or the real world, to espouse the theoretical joys of socialist fairy tales. These folks are often referred to, in communist jargon, as “useful idiots,” and they are naive enough to proclaim themselves to be wise. In fact, these poor intellectually starved and challenged persons, consider themselves to be much wiser than their forebears, who have already tried every imaginable formula to institute utopian societies on unsuspecting populations— always with the same cruel and dismal results. Paraphrasing a Biblical verse: “they proclaimed themselves to be wise, and became fools!” Thought for the day: History does not tend to be kind to idiocy!

The best way to collapse any substantial building or structure is to destroy its foundation first. Realize that our moral absolutes, educational apparatuses, and American systems of government had their origins in the Judeo-Christian ethic and values. And obvious to the adversaries of Freedom, the base and source of our moral beliefs must be among the first targets to implant with the cancer of doubt and confusion. Rights of, and consideration for, the individual were once held to be sacred, not pronounced by any invented governing contraption cooked up by mere mortals, but inspired by instruction from the Creator. God-less socialism has no regard for the individual and bestows all authority on the collective sum of the population, except it becomes too difficult for the majority of the citizenry to consider all the day to day governing details, so a tiny group of “administrators,” who have decided they know what is best for the “herd,” manipulate their way into leadership and begin to rule said “herd.” Unfortunately and consistently, they then begin to implement their own nefarious and self-serving agendas upon the masses.

The Biblical Ten Commandments were never intended to be the “Ten Suggestions;” similarly, the Bill of Rights was never made out to be the “Bill of Privileges” which could hinge on whims of social media. The Founders of our country well understood the strengths and frailties of human nature; this is why our US Constitution places stern restrictions on just what government can and cannot do, as well as including ironclad language respecting the rights and dignity of the individual citizen. Today’s unanswered question is: has the liberal-socialist cancer so metastasized into our underpinning institutions that it is beyond treatment, much less cure?

Our RIGHT to keep and bear (and USE!) arms, confirmed (and not GRANTED!) by the 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution, is the major stumbling block to the globalist would-be slavers, preventing their final takeover of our country. Heaven forbid, if the US electorate chooses to go down the socialist-dictatorial path, blindly and stupidly submitting to those who would disarm us as citizens, then all other societies which aspire to self determination, have just lost the war as well. We are currently watching the restriction and outright theft of our firearms rights and tools which enable us as individuals to defend ourselves and our families against enemies: foreign and DOMESTIC! We cannot and indeed, MUST not allow this Progressive travesty to continue— certainly not to succeed!

Bleating and babbling emotional cripples are being used by unscrupulous political types and influencers in an attempt to bring down what has been the greatest bastion of individual Liberty in recorded history! Our enemies are well aware that they must resort to a “death of a thousand cuts” strategy rather than a full on or overt attack to overcome us; this assault can be countered, but it won’t be done by “snowflakes” or by mealy-mouthed moderates and lefties pleading: “can’t we all just get along?” If Liberty is to win, or even recover, it must be aided by real WARRIORS who are not afraid to stand on principle and refuse to back down in the face of the liberal-socialist onslaught. How does this scenario play out? Stay tuned; better yet: JOIN US!!!

Johnny Rowland is a media professional and lives with his family in the Northern Sonoran Desert near Tombstone, Arizona. His email is: johnny460rowland@gmail.com

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