
Democrats: The Anti-Freedom Party

As Conservatives, We Must Get Out And Vote! Even though we may feel like “Trump’s Got This.” – We Cannot become complacent! We must #VoteRed2020 #Trump2020.

We do have reason to be confident. But every American should be be asking, how can the modern day Democrats ever win a national election again? Especially in the one country that was founded on the very principals of freedom and liberty, that they continue to infring upon. A country that the Democrats openly hate? How could they ever win in a Country that they despise; and when their number one priority, and sole reason for running in an election, is to gain ultimate power over the people? It’s in their nature.

They have done a really good job at convincing the gullible – especially the younger generation of voters – that they are fighting for the people. They say that they are the party of minorities, The caring party, that fights for the people; convincing people that they are the party of the workers, the middle class, of the little guy. They offer to make the government give out free stuff to everyone who votes for them; and they, want to be in charge of that Government. They want everyone to get a free house, free education, free health insurence, FREE, FREE, FREE.

And, all you have to do, to get all of this wonderfully FREE stuff…is to vote away your freedom, & give the leftists in Government total control over your lives and your liberty…and give them even more of your hard earned money of course.

As we all know, it is all just a big fat lie; because Nothing is ever really free. Someone always has to pay for it. And the leftists want YOU to be that someone. They say that they will give you, your hearts desire, and it will all be Free, Free, Free. All while they vote for higher taxes from every citizen to pay for it, and open borders that hurt those same voters. This is just their first stop towards Socialism, and total Government control of the economy and our lives.

They talk about how Socialism is the only way to make things fair. But Socialism is not fair. It only ensures equality of outcome, where Capitalism and the free market system, ensure equality of oppertunity. Socialism however, does make everyone equal, just equally poor. And it isn’t moral, it is theft, Government theft. Socialism kills, it is responsible for millions of deaths, yet right now, we have open socialists serving in our government, and even running for President…

…how did we ever let this happen?


They try to make it seem as if the rich aren’t paying their “fair share” Even though most of them have made millions in public service. (That boggles the mind too) And so, if you would just vote Democrat; then those terrible CEO’s, powerful Wall Street Executives, and those Ultra-Wealthy International Business Moguls, will pay more money to the Federal Government, so that you can recieve all of the free stuff you were promised. After all, those rich people didn’t actually do anything to earn all that money, right?

Remeber your highschool student council elections? There was always that one super-outgoing, utterly charming, Eddie Haskil-like candidate, that promised if they won student body president, they would get a Mcdonald’s franchise approved to have in the lunchroom – including free Mcfluries in study hall. They would also ensure No More Detention, ever; and all A’s for every student in every Math class, regardless of their intilectual prowess. They vowed that If you voted for them, you would get weekly fieldtrips to the waterpark, and a free pass for every piece of homework that was eaten by your family dog.

Absolutly ridiculous promises that you knew would never be fulfilled, but they would say or do anything and everything to get elected.

That’s today’s modern Democrat Party.

A party that will say and do anything to get their power back. They pander to everyone, they push for whatever seems popular at that moment in time. They pander to the LGBTQ community, Minorities, Social Justice Warriors…anyone. All while, in reallity, hating everything that Makes America Great. Just look what they did at the State of The Union Address. As The President was talking about how great America is doing, especially for women and minorities. The Democrats were silent, glaring at him with distaste and disgust on their faces like little pouting children. Take a look:

Here is what the Democrats really want for the Country and for YOU.

First, they want to take away your right to defend yoursel by severly restricting, or completly taking away, your God Given Natural Right to keep and bear arms. They want to take away your guns, to dissarm you so that you are easier to control. They want to make it as hard as possible to purchase a firearm. Including expanded backround checks, longer waiting periods and other gun control legislation, so that only criminals will have them. They want to ban particular types of guns, simply because they look scary; and ban any equipment that makes those guns more efficient and safe. They also want to expand “Gun Free zones,” so that you are defenseless when a bad guy with a gun does attack; because only law abiding citizens care about following the law. Criminals, by deffinition, don’t care about gun control laws or your gun free zone signs.

“It’s for your own good,” they say.

They don’t just want to ban the sales of these guns, but they want to turn you into a criminal, by making the gun that you once baught legally, illegal to own and posess; turning some law abiding gun owners into felons overnight. All while continuing to protect criminals by refusing to prosicute certain “non-violent” crimes, and glorifying domestic terrorists like ANTIFA and groups like Black Lives Matter, that openly talk about violence against the police. They also call for the abolishment of federal law enforcment agencies, like I.C.E. and the Border Patrol, who keep our country safe.

They also want to take away your Constituional rights to Due Process and Privacy . The democrats have worked hard at labeling those that they don’t like or agree with politically, as Racists, Misogynists, Homophobes, and any other colorful words, or “phobes” that they can think of. They say that anyone they determine has broken their “rules,” should all be considered “Guilty until proven Innocent,” especially in the court of public opinion (a court that they completely control.) Just look what they did to Judge Kavanaugh. Not to mention the whole attempted political coup, the Russian Collusion Delusion Hoax and the Ukraine phone call Impeachment Scam.

But we’re not just talking about the court of public opinion here, but actual court. The scariest thing they are trying to do is make it so the Government can remove your Constitutionally protected rights without any due process at all. They started with the No Fly Lists where your right to travel freely can be taken without warning, or wothout your knowledge or any due process. And now there are more than 17 states that are implementing Red Flag Laws.

With a simple accusation from an irritated neighbor, family member, gilted ex lover, stalker, or criminal, your 2nd amendment right can be taken away from you without any due process or actual probable cause. The Government will send armed officers to search your home, violating your Constitutional right against illegal search and seizure and privacy. They can take away your right to self protection, until you spend hundreds of thousands of dollars for an attorney, to go to court, and fight the Government to prove your innocence and get your rights back. This is a travesty!

There has never been a time in US history, where the Government could take away your civil rights without any due process, and make you fight to get them back; not ever, until now. Red Flag Laws essentially make it so that you are Guilty Until Proven Innocent…just the way the left wants it.

More Control and Less Liberty.

Second, the leftists in the Democrat party, want to take away your right to choose for yourself. Not when it comes to abortion of course. But for just about everything else. They want to make sure you can’t even choose to drink too much pop/soda in one sitting; by banning 32 oz. soft drinks and plastic straws. They also get a lot more federal tax money from the sale of that pack of cigarettes you purchase, than they do with the sale of vapor mods and eliquid. So they take away your choice of how to smoke, or if you can smoke at all. They try to ban vaping and vaping products. After all, the more tax money the Government gets from those packs of cigarettes, the more of that amazing free stuff they can give to you. Right? it always just boils down to money and power.

They also want to take away your right to choose how you speak, by infringing on your freedom of speech. They want to control the words you can and cannot speak. They want to determine what is or is not “hate speech” They want to make it ilegal to use certain language. They want to control the websites you can and cannot visit, when and where you promote your speech and who is allowed to hear it.

They control all of our modern ways and means of communication, our ways of learning and gathering information. From the Mainstream Media and News, Hollywood and the Music Industry, to Big Tech Social Media and even our Educational System. They control all that we see, learn, and hear. For decades they have slowly been pushing their leftist ideology and progressive agenda on the masses, all while stifling that of which they dissagree.

They even want to take away your choice and freedom of religion; pushing to tax churches out of existence, to get rid of any public display of Christianity or Judaism, even though our country was founded on those principals; they are the morals and values that our founders based our country’s laws upon. They have tried to remove prayer from public schools, and completely removing Christianity from the public eye, yet they push to promote Islam as a way of showing their diversity.

They attack and mock anything religious yet they claim to be the arbiters of our morality; which, by the way, is severely lacking in our entertainment industry. They glorify things like Drugs, Casual Sex (both straight and gay,) Incest, Plural Marriage, Prostitution, and rampant Gun Violence. You see it in their TV shows, Movies and Music, and then they turn around and mock us, and lecture us, about our religion, our morals, and our guns. They want to denograte our society and crush our moral fiber.

The Leftists hate everything that we stand for, it is obvious when you listen to them speak. Or when you see them on the news, or look at the legislation they propose, or that of which they oppose. They hate our free market economy, our liberty and freedoms, the free and open exchange of ideas, our religion and all of our founding princaples.

They strive to devide us into individual victim groups; and then pit each group against the others. They hate Patriotism and Nationalism. And as we saw at the State Of The Union Address- by the way they acted everytime President Trump talked about things that were going great for the people and the Country- they sat back in their chairs sneering. It seems as if, that which is Good for America, is Bad for the Democrats.

They Hate Everything That Makes America Great

…How Can You ever Vote For That?

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Jason Haugen

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