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Does Hollywood know What’s Best For You? They Say Guns are Bad and We Shouldn’t Have Them

#SupportThe2nd ??❤??


There are a ton of misconceptions out there about guns; most of which, are spread by Hollywood, in their TV Shows, Movies, the Hollywood Elite at their Special Events like Award Shows and on Social Media.

Remember This Movie?

Here is the full Story about that movie and Hollywood’s obvious Gun Control propaganda;

There are so many myths and lies about Guns, That it’s amost impossible for someone who has never been around guns, to seperate Fact from Fiction. And so these lies create fear.

Humans are hard-wired to fear what they don’t understand, and Hollywood and the Anti-Gun Leftists, fan the flames and play off of that fear. Try and remember, Hollywood is full of liars; they exaggerate, and make stuff up for a living.

The Hollywood Elite believe that it is their responsibility to move, navigate, and influence our society down, what they consider to be, the correct path. They believe it is their right to control which ways, and how fast, our culture moves into the future through progressivism.

They control the narritive of our culture. They tell us what we should like, and what we should think of as beautiful, what things we should be for, or against.

They tell us who we should trust, and who we should fear; who we should vote for, and who we should boycott and harrass. They decide what is acceptable behavior and then glorify vices. They are able to manipulate the masses on a global scale, And they have the money, power and political connections to do it.

This misinformation is spread by Leftists in the mainstream media and social media alike. A widespread propaganda machine, the likes of which, The World has never seen…

Here are just a few True Statements, They don’t want you to know: ?

  • There Is No Such Thing As An “Assault” Rifle:?
  • Ther are No Such Things as “Fully Semi-Automatic Rifles:?
  • Fully Automatic Rifles (Military Grade Machine Guns) are already Banned In This Country. (You cannot own one without an almost-impossible-to-get special permit)
    Take a Look below:?
  • Almost Every Gun in America Is Semi-Automatic (one pull of the trigger = one bullet from the gun) pistols included.
    So if you Ban Semi-Automatic guns you would effectively ban all guns:?
  • AR 15’s are not “Machine Guns” and absolutely are not “Military Grade” weapons:?
  • AR 15’s are not “Extra Powerful” they take bullets that are 1/10 larger diameter than a .22 Squirl Riffle. AR 15’s use a .223 round. Take a look at some other AR15 myths debunked:?
  • People DO use These Weapons, like the AR15, for Hunting, Sport Shooting and MOST Importantly, for Home and Personal Protection. They are Perfect for Sport & self Defense. Take a look at the videos below😕
  • A Good Guy With an AR 15, Stopped a Bad Guy from Killing more people at that Texas Church shooting. Here’ the Story:?
  • There are as many as 1.2 million deffensive uses of firearms every year. Bad Guys with Guns, are almost Always stopped, by Good Guys with Guns. Listen to Steven Crowder as he gives factual stats in the pro 2nd Amendment debate:?

Okay I threw this next one in just for fun. ? ??❤???

I Think you get the point here, here are just a few more quick facts😕

  • The NRA is not a Domestic Terrorist Group; they make sure that People Keep Their Rights to Protect Themselves from Actual Domestic Terrorists like ANTIFA.
  • We already have background checks to purchase weapons.
  • The so-called “Gun Show Loophole” doesn’t exist.
  • Gun Free Zones DON’T work!Criminals don’t care about strickter Gun Laws and Certainly DON’T Care about Your Gun Free Zone signs… (…They’re Criminals!)
  • Most criminals choose to commit crimes and shootings, where they can be assured Law Abiding Gun Owners Can’t Shoot Back!
  • Almost all mass shootings happen in Gum Free Zones.
  • There are roughly 393 million guns in America, Criminals will get one to commit a crime if They want to……Better to Even the Score, Than to Become a Victim.

Guns make sure that Volnerable People are Protected, that Women are Protected from Bad Men, and that the Weak are Protected from the Strong,…

Guns are “The Great Equalizer”

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Jason Haugen

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