
#DrainTheSwamp; That is What This Impeachment Hoax Has Always Been About

Wow…thank God for Jim Jordan and the Other Republicans fighting for our President and our Republic ??❤?? because the Democrats and their Comrades in the Media, would go to any length to get their power back and keep it, even if it moves the country towards Civil War.

Take a listen:???❤???

History will judge the actions of Nasty Nancy Pelosi, and that Lying Piece of Schiff. Never in history have we seen division in our Country and an attempted political coup like the one that has taken place over the last couple of years. Except maybe for the one that actually started the Civil War.

We are seeing the importance and priority of Party Politics, actually outweighing decency and honor, and doing what is Right for the Good of the Nation; and a Currupt Democrat Party hell-bent on destroying a sitting President and overturning the resaults of their failed election.

They will stop at nothing to take back their political power, even if it sets us against our neighbors and puts us back on a path to civil war.

The Left does not care about you, they only care about having the power to control you.

And Trump has threatened that power, especially since he vowed to #DrainTheSwamp. This Ukraine deal has proven that point:

Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, gets a job where he recieves $50,000 a month…(yes you heard that correctly…a month)? just to sit on the board of a Ukranian Gas and Power Company. Even though, he had no previous experience at all with natural gas or experience being in a board room, no he got paid millions, by this Ukrainian Company, because his father was the Vice President of the United States.

That is the only reasonable conclusion; that that company, Burisma, paid Hunter Biden $millions, in hopes of getting favors from his powerful Dad.

Did they get any favors??

The answer to that question appears to be a resounding “Yes”

One such favor, seems to be, that dear old dad held hostage, over a billion dollars in tax payer money, as a bargoning chip on a blackmail scheme to get the DA who was investigating that company, fired. That is only the one favor we know about, is that worth the millions of dollars that they paid Hunter Biden? Or did “Creepy Uncle” Joe,(Daddy Joe) “help them out” in other ways.

As the vice President of the most powerful nation in the free world, he probably has a lot of ways he could “Help”, as long as the pay was good, of course.

Isn’t it remarkable how all of our “public servants seem to become millionaires after they get elected? How exactly does that happen? It also seems to be those same millionaires rallying against the “1%” and telling you that the only way for you to be successful, is to give more of your hard-earned money to the Government…or them. What a scam!

As far as I can tell, the Democrats and the Old Gaurd of the Republican Party, have all been selling access to the highest levels of our Government in exchange for billions of dollars. Billions go to their family members in the form of “jobs and positions of power,” or even Donations to their non-profits and crooked foundations. Like the Corrupt Clinton Cartel Foundation.

They even make hundreds of millions of dollars from foreign Countries, for giving an hour or so speech, or anything they can show as “legitimate” barter… But it is actually bribes and “pay for play” money.

This has been going on for decades in Washington D.C. take a listen (3 minutes:) ???❤???

Here is their full article:???❤???

Our Article Concluded ???❤???

This is The Swamp:

This is exactly why the Democrats and even the Never-Trumpers” in the Deep State, have been trying to stop this President.

It is also why he got elected in the first place!

He has vowed to clean up Washington DC and they are terrified that their days of, useing tax payer funded power and influence to maintain their lifestyles, is about to come to an end…

..and they’re terrified.

So to save their “Pay for Play,” decades-long, “Get-Rich-Quick,” schemes, they only have one thing they can do…Get rid of the President by any means necessary…the Nation be dammed.


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They all spied and colluded, it was an attempted political coup conspiracy, the likes of which, has never before been seen in US history.

#NoCollusion #RussianHoax

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Jason Haugen

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