
Facebook’s Almighty Fact Checkers Are At It Again:

OPINION – YES, ANTIFA will be at the border.

Antifa members and counter protesters gather during a rightwing No-To-Marxism rally on August 27, 2017 at Martin Luther King Jr. Park in Berkeley, California. ( Getty )

Okay, so we read, and subsequently were going to share, a story that said ANTIFA was planing a border siege in Texas…so…The Facebook Almighty Fact Checkers, warn us that they have determined that this is false, asked if we were sure we would still like to share the article, attached an opposing article to their warning

(if you want to call it that)

The attached story says, the original is false because the people who are planning the siege are not from ANTIFA and in fact are some group of LGBTQAAP…ETC people…here’s a quote from the article:

“Is Antifa planning a siege…? No, that’s not true: While several left-wing groups have announced a “call to action” gathering for “border resistance” in El Paso, Texas, starting on September 1, 2019, the organizers are “Indigenous and QTPOC (Queer, trans, people of color)” with no indication of Antifa “

Journalist Andy Ngo, tweeted out pictures of the so called “Border Resistance” posters:

Now, as far as I am concerned if you are putting out a “call to action” to siege our border and harrass our border patroll agents, calling for “border resistance”, you may as well be ANTIFA…to me there is no difference.

Not to mention, you no damm well that ANTIFA will be there in full force to cause their normal violence and mayhem.

So this is just another way facebook is trying to silence conservative voices…and trying to downplay the danger of the violent behavior of these groups and their connections to one another …even when thise conservative voices are only trying to warn people of potential danger of violence at our border!

So we have decided to show both the original article and the fact checkers rebuttal so that you could read both sides for yourselves and make your own conclusions;

The Fact Checking site, wouldn’t allow us to embed their article…of course. So we have added a link to it here? (* did you notice that the perma link for their article has the words “conservative firing line” in it? That’s some non-biased reporting there Facebook!)


The original story from RedState is here?

As we have stated in the past, ANTIFA is considered by most of America and even the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to be a domestic terrorist group, so it has been hard for them to get permits and organize their own events. So what do they do, they attach themselves, and show up, to other events organized by the Loony Far-Left.

They also show up as counter “protesters” (rioters) to any event hosted by anyone they dissagree with, with the intent of perpetuating violence.

Steven Crowder and others have infiltrated them in several hidden video “sting operations” and the resaulting videos are disturbing to say the least.

Cedit: Louder With Crowder YouTube

See the Raw footage of the Crowder undercover video here:

Also take a look at these other links for more:

Credit: Louder With Crowder YouTube
Credit: Joey Salads YouTube

These other Leftist Socialist, and Social Justice Warrior groups, are now giving cover to ANTIFA and other “bad actors” by allowing them to hijack their events…the problem is, the big Tech giants like Facebook and their so called “fact checkers”, are willing accomplices, and should be called out as often as possible.

Let us know what you think in the comments below.

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