
How Gullible Are You?

“Setting the stage” has become an art in the political arena. It’s hardly a new idea. It’s been around for as long as governments have existed.

For their schemes to work, a few things are needed:

  1. Control over the news media. The news media must back them and theirs, while openly mocking any opponents with a different viewpoint. This includes the numerous liberal run “fact-checking” sites.
  2. Two categories of incentives: a) a plan that fools people into believing they will benefit economically without having to put in any additional effort themselves (e.g. socialism), and b) an arsenal of plausible fear tactics.
  3. A citizenry who are willing to ignore history, and who get the majority of their “current information” from the controlled news sources.
  4. Control of the education system to indoctrinate the younger generations.
  5. A calculated means to divide the people, making at least one group “the enemy.”
  6. First, a gun registry (so the government knows who to go after), then ultimately, mass gun confiscation, so those “woke” and less gullible individuals are left defenseless to oppose them.
  7. Control over our healthcare.

The result is absolute power over our everyday lives.

Sound familiar? It should. It happened with Adolf Hitler in Nazi Germany. And we’ve been watching some of our elected officials, as well as many political candidates, engage in these same destructive and self-serving tactics.

Click here to read our other article: ?

It’s well known that the democrat party controls much of the news media these days, and has for some time. Likewise, can you guess who runs most internet fact-checking sites? And our schools?

If you’ve any doubt about this, look for video clips of our current US President who expressed the same or similar sentiments as our previous US President had, and compare the news media’s reactions. It’s quite an eye opener.

Here’s a nice little compilation of a few of these double standationds: ?

The immigrant children “in cages” comes to mind. Did we hear one negative comment from the news media about this “inhumane treatment” when this happened under the Obama Administration? Do most of us even know it happened under the Obama Administration?

When President Trump, however, discussed the emergency situations at our southern border, requesting Congress work with him to make the needed changes, photos of children in supposed cages were then circulated (photos, ironically, that were taken during the Obama era). Suddenly, our current President is taking heat for a situation not of his making – one of the very situations happening at our border that he was trying to correct, while the liberal controlled House of Representatives ignored his requests for change and instead attempted to drop the blame on President Trump.

Take, for instance, this 2018 article boasting a a Jackson, MS school’s new mural of Barack Obama – a school that was newly named to honor the democrat president.

The ceremony for the new mural also included a life sized poster of our former President, with an article of praise by the news media:

Jackson school renamed after barack Obama?

Let’s however, juxtapose that 2018 article with this 2019 article regarding the treatment of a cheerleading squad from a North Carolina high school who were put on probation for displaying a Trump banner: Cheerleaders held up a “Trump 2020” sign during a football game. They were put on “probation” for the rest of the season

Cheerleaders held up a “Trump 2020” sign: put on “probation” for the rest of the season?

While one American school is named after President Obama, complete with a mural of the former president plastered on the wall, another American school puts teenagers on probation for daring to hold up a Trump banner. The implications are many, and shows just how deep the political bias runs in our public school systems. What message does this send to our children?

Most news stations don’t simply report the news. They tell you what to think, how to feel, scare you, deliberately take things out of context and sometimes outright lie, all the while stirring the pot and whipping us into a frenzy, dividing us into myriad smaller groups, and effectively pitting us against one another.

Planned? Absolutely!

The government has already hijacked our healthcare. So we can all tic that off the list. Nationwide gun registration is likely next. If history repeats itself, we all know what comes after gun registry: confiscation.

As for the deceptive incentives created to “enamor” us to the democrats, we have democrat candidates offering: free health care, student loan forgiveness/free college, government mandated higher wages for entry-level jobs, and the list goes on.

One democratic candidate, Andrew Yang, purportedly claimed that if he won, he planned to give $1000 per month to 10 lucky people. That’s $1000 per month x 10 people per month of our American tax dollars. Apparently, and likely highly illegally, Mr. Yang wants to buy your vote so he can create a taxpayer funded lottery.

“The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public’s money” 

-Alexis De Tocqueville

What many people don’t seem to realize is that our government is publicly funded, so what negatively impacts those who pay the highest taxes, ultimately and negatively impacts us all. So adding an extra and unfair tax burden on those who pay the most taxes – like Mr. Yang’s lottery promise, and other promises such as forgiving student debt, and handing away other “free stuff” – is subsequently destructive to every single one of us. It’s akin to shoplifting. Someone, somewhere, ultimately pays for it.

If we pay attention to history and the important lessons it teaches, we know the inevitable outcome of socialism is nation-wide destitution, with the exception of the elitists in power who will live in guarded mansions while the rest of us do without even the most basic of necessities.

Eventually, even the hardest working and wealthiest tax payers lose the motivation to be productive when the fruits of their labor are taken away and unjustly given to someone else. Which means it won’t be long before such a government can’t sustain itself and will run out of “other people’s money.” So where does that lead us?

Venezuela? Cuba? China?

Ask yourself: Why work eighty or more hours a week to build a new business or run your current business, when there is no added benefit to you or your family?

Why bother running the risks and financial burdens associated with starting a new business, if there’s no gain?

Why spend several years of your young life attending classes to become a doctor, or another challenging profession, then find yourself working insane hours, when your own living situation will be the same as the unmotivated people who do little or nothing?

Why, indeed!

The negative incentives, part “b)” of the plan, are plentiful, and all based on fear. Take global warming, for instance. We now have masses of young students believing the world will come to an end in twelve years, thanks to democrats attempting to incite fear.

While science has taught us that our planet’s temperatures have always fluctuated, having done so long before humans arrived (think: ice age), we now have thousands upon thousands of children absolutely convinced that they are about to die – and soon – because of global warming. (Which, incidentally, when I was a teen in school, the big scare was “global cooling.” Interesting how it’s now the direct opposite, and in such a short time…)

Our youth believes if they vote republican, their fate is sealed and life on earth will end.

Why? Between the controlled news media and liberal propaganda conveniently taught in our schools, many of our children have been completely indoctrinated.

Most of our country’s educators are far left leaning. They know how easy it is to manipulate the minds of our youth by playing to their egos.

Virtue signaling has become their latest fad. To a virtue signaler, words have become more important than deeds. Advertising those words has become a way to receive needed praise, which feeds the ego. When you’re young and haven’t had much time in life to experience the thrill of real accomplishment, a bit of ego feeding may feel like the next best thing. Sadly, it’s like a drug and the price is very low: mere words. What better way to manipulate our youth than to feed their egos?

Understandably, since these words, in many cases, seem to them to be their biggest accomplishment, many become “triggered” the moment someone disagrees, or offers another point of view.

Many of these educators take young people, most of whom have never known the meaning of true accomplishment outside of their schools, and play on their egos while teaching them distain for certain “others” – specifically, to loathe those who came before them.

All the world’s ills are now blamed on past generations, while these young minds are told they are our only hope, that without them, the planet is doomed.

They are so caught up in their virtue signaling and this new-found feeling of superiority (that’s not of their own making) it doesn’t occur to most that without the hard work and determination of the previous generations, with each generation building on the accomplishments of its predecessor, there would be no cellphones, cars, computers, internet, refrigerators, sewing machines, faucets with running water, medicine, buildings, pizza, etc. No texting apps or video games. And no movies.

If not for our previous generations, we would all be naked and living under the stars.

And yet, previous generations are now vilified. And they, the students of today, are taught they are our last hope, with no idea they are being manipulated.

So how gullible are you? Are you willing to do a little research on your own to find out?

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Jae Eubanks

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