
How Much Is Too Much. Are We Headed Towards Civil War?

When we look at what happened over the weekend, we see absolute anarchy and terror. And it wasn’t coming from those of us on the Right. There were over 71 million of us who voted for the President and many of those people came out over the weekend to show that support. We saw the leftists completely off their leash. ANTIFA and BLM “terrorists” did just that, they used terrorism to try and spread fear and attack anyone who came to the Pro-America, Pro-Trump protest to #StopTheSteal in Washington DC.

Thousands of Amazing people came out to support our President and stand against the fraudulent election. The media tried to supress and hide it, yet a massive demonstration spontaneously erupted anyway.

This was an incredibly happy and peaceful protest. People brought their families, their children, down to celibrate their love of country and patriotism. As the evening came however, and people began to leave, they were attacked by these insane Biden supporters. Police in DC seemed to allow the attacts, even blocking escape routes for Trump supporters; forcing them to walk through the ANTIFA crouds who were waiting to assult them. The video below from the MRC shows many videos of the violence.

This was a national tragedy, and should have never been alloud to happen. So How much is too much? The National Guard should have been called in to stop the violence and protect the citizens who simply wanted to exorcize their right to peaceably assemble. Someone needed to. Especially after it was clear that the DC police were not going to.

Is it time now for us as free people to protect ourselves? Is it time to protect our cities from this total anarchy and mayhem? Our cities are burning, and regular people, elderly, and even our children are under attack. This cannot be alloud to continue and if we can not rely on the police and the government to protect our families then we must protect them ourselves. I am not calling for war and violence. But we need a public guard, people who will stand up to this insanity and protect the people. We need a citizen patrol like the Gaurdian angels, where are they anyway?

We seem to be headed for total war. Left against right. There has already been the spark and the flame is building. This weekend was the last straw for a lot of people. Groups like the “Proud Boys” have had enough, I personally have had enough. I am normally not a “prepper” but my home and family are prepared to hold the home fort. We are ready to fight off anyone who gets close if we have to.

I am telling you that if we do not get some kind of peace from all of this madness, either by a police crack down or national or citizen guard putting it down; there will end up being war. War is what they want. Like our civil war, our Union is at stake. They want to destroy everything we hold dear and then rebuild it into the socialist utopia they have dreamed about. We can not allow this to happen.

This election is the starting point. Will you stand up for America? We must come together and prepare. All of our lives depend on it. If this rigged election ends in Biden’s favor, they will not stop the violence, it will only escalate. If they win they will come for our Second Amendment rights first. They will then stop you from speaking out against them, they will defund the police to make sure you are completely unprotected and vulnerable. And then they will use the full power of the State and Federal Government against you. And there will be nothing anyone can do to stop them.

We must fight against all of this and be willing to give up our lives to protect the America we love. We must stand up to bullies and protect the innocent. We must be as brave as our founding fathers were.

It is time to risk our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor.

Will you stand with me?

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Jason Haugen

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