
I Am A Conservative – What Do You Stand For?

In today’s political and social enviornment, there is a lot of talk about Democrats and Republicans, Leftists, Liberals, and Conservatives. But what do all these lables acctually mean? What are the differences? Where do I land on the political scale? What do all these people believe in, and what do they stand for? What do their past actions tell us about the future direction that they want to lead our country?

These questions need to be answered especially if you are planning to vote in the election. I myself am a Conservative. I don’t always agree with the decisions of the Republican party, but they are the closest party to my personal views and beliefs…

So, what do you stand for?

To answer that very important question we need to figure out where everyone stands, what they say they believe in, and what have they historically done for “we the people” to make life better in our country.


Just a few of the more important things we conservatives believe in.

  • We believe in small limited Government. That the Rights of the individual, given to us by our creator, must be protected by the constitution from, and by, that Government.
  • We believe in a strong, equipped, voluntary military, to protect our nation. And that we should thank and honor the members of that military for their service.
  • We believe that we the people give the Government all of its power. That the Government is there to protect our rights and to “protect and defend the constitution and the country from all threats both foreign and domestic.”
  • We believe that ALL men are created equal. That we should all be treated and judged by our actions and our character, and not by the color of our skin, our religion or lack there of, sex, sexual orentation or any other victimhood group that people could be placed in.
  • We believe in the Bill of Rights as it is written. Especially the first and second amendments. That we have the right to speak our minds wherever we are. Even if, and especially if, our opinions are not popular or if they offend someone else. And that we have the right to keep and bear arms to ensure our rights are protected.
  • We believe in logic, truth, and facts, over emotion.
  • We believe that everyone is innocent until proven guilty by a jury of their peers in a fair and speedy trial.
  • We believe that our homes are our castles, that we have a right to be “secure in our persons and property,” that unless there is reasonable cause, our right to privacy prevails. And there should never be illegal serches or seizures.
  • We believe in Low Taxes, so that we can keep more of our own money. Because when we keep more of our own money, we spend it or invest it in a way that creates jobs, expands business, and creates more revenue into the government.
  • We believe that every life matters, even those in the womb. All life is precious.
  • We believe in the good works of Capitalism. That it is the free and open market that creates jobs and wealth and tax revenue. That Capitalism has raised more people out of poverty than any other form of economic government in the history of the world.
  • We believe that everyone has equal opportunity in America not equality of outcome. That hard work, education, imagination and perseverance, are what create prosperity. Not getting free stuff from the Government
  • We believe in freedom and the constitution

…and we believe in honoring the flag and what it stands for.

What do the Leftist Democrats believe?

Here is just a few off the top of my head:

  • They believe in Big Government Power and Control, over the lives of the people. That the Government is the answer and solution to every civil problem.
  • They believe that it is the Government not the creator that gives rights to the people. And therefore the Government can take those rights away for any reason, and without cause.
  • They believe in higher taxes, more Government spending and regulations, so that Government can grow in power and scope.
  • They don’t believe that all people are created equal. They believe that people should be devided into seperate groups depending on where they are on the scales of victimhood. And so those people can be treated and judged accordingly.
  • They believe in mob rule. And the rights of the majority over the individual. That the good of society must always outweigh the good of the individual.
  • They believe in society’s right to raise your children above your parental rights.
  • They believe that taking the lives of babies in the womb, up until birth, is a right, and a noble deed, and should be allowed to be used as a form of everyday birth control if desired by the mother.
  • They believe that an accused person, especially a wealthy white man, should be judged by public opinion as guilty until they can prove themselves innocent.
  • They believe in socialism over capitalism. That everyone should have equality of outcome instead of equality of opertunity. That Capitalism is a bad thing, and it is greedy, and that the Government owes them a more fulfilled life. That you shouldn’t have to work hard to achieve prosperity that it should just be given to you by the government.

There are many extreme differences between the Right and the Left. And we are living at a time of great division. This coming election, we are fighting for the future of our nation. This will be the most important election in our lifetime.

So, where do you stand?

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Jason Haugen

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