In Jail – Another RightWay Co-Founder Jailed By Facebook

Facebook strikes again; stomping on the First Amendment Rights of its users. This time, it is a bit ironic, as they kind of proved the point of the user’s post. She posted a meme in protest of Facebook deleting people’s posts; saying that Facebook doing that amounts to the Book Burnings that the Nazi’s did during WWII

Facebook deleted the above meme ??

And so after Facebook deleted the post she disagreed with them and asked them to re-evaluate it. To which they replied to her request with this message:

And they then proved that they are infact the Tyrannical Overlords the meme portrayed them to be, and suspended her account for 3 days.

This happens a lot every day. Facebook Banning, Blocking, Deleting, and Suspending any speech that they dissagree with. And it always seems to be conservitive speech that they go after the most.

Will you be next?

8 months ago another one of our co-founders was also banned from facebook for 30 days; for accurately calling someone disgusting. This seems like a pattern. They must be threatened by us conservatives and the TRUTH we tell.

Here is that Story: Want to know how Facebook deals with Hate Speech? They ignore it, as long as it is hate speech that is in line with Facebook’s point of view.

There was a story from Fox News about the Canadian Prime Minister saying she hoped that hurricane Dorian would hit and destroy Mar-A-Lago. 

It is bad enough that a world leader gets no repercussions for wishing the distruction of one of our President’s residences, but one lady on Facebook went even further……she said, in a comment on the post, that she “hopped Hurricane Dorian Would Strike and kill President Trump and his family.” (Paraphrasing) She was Openly wishing for the death of our president and his entire family; that is what I would call the very definition of “Hate Speech,” but apperently Facebook dissagrees with me.

One of our Co-Founders Tammy Seymour Dillingham had had enough of this women’s vile comments and rightfully called her “disgusting” as any one of us would…but Facebook did not like that one bit…And they banned Tammy for 30 days, but did not punish the woman who flat-out called for the death of the Trumps.

Just Facebook showing their true colors……Snowflake Blue.

read that full story below:???❤???

We fully understand that publicly calling them out for their outright bias, could be detrimental to our website’ssuccess. Be aise we are posting this on the “Social Network” We ourselves could be banned and our page shut down, but if enough people share this and other stories like it, it may finally make Facebook stand up and take notice of the power of the people. They may even stop i fringing on the rights of its users.

So please like and share this story far and wide, and in the comments section let everyone know what facebook has done to you or someone you know.

This has to stop.

Facebook is either a Free Speech Platform, protected by the constitution and not responsible for anything people say on their service…

…or, they are a private Publisher able to control the speech on their platform, but not protected by law.

But They Can’t Be Both. So, which is it Facebook? Private Publisher Or Free Speech Platform?

Support Ellen and buy her a Cup of Coffee. Click the link below:???❤???

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