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Is Free Speech Really Free? Are Conservatives Under Attack Fom Social Media? If So, What Can We Do About It?

   Earlier this month, Twitter banned Laura Loomer, a conservative writer and talkshow host. Other conservatives that Twitter has recently banned or suspended  include  Roger Stone, Chuck JohnsonMilo Yiannopoulos, James Allsup,’s Richard Spencer, Robert McCain, Candace Owens of Turning Point USA, CRTV host Gavin McInnes and conservatives actor James Woods. among many others.


   The banishments have been ramping up since Alex Jones was banned from Facebook Twitter and YouTube. Jones of course is a little more of a conspiracy theorist than most people on the right. He has suggested some pretty controversial things may be true, such as 9/11 may have been a false flag op. And maybe most infamously that the Sandyhook shooting might have been staged and not a real massacre. But having the freedom of speech isn’t only about speech thay we agree with. There is a famous,over used and often paraphrased quote that we often hear from Evelyn Beatrice Hall where she wrote “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it” It doesnt get any more to the point than that.

Some of these voices may be controversial, however that is exactly the point of our 1st amendment’s free speech clause. We each have the right to openly and freely express our opinions, even if and especially if, those opinions are not popular. Allowing political dissent, opposition and differing points of view are what made this country great from the beginning. It’s why this experiment in government, of, by, and for the people, has worked so well. And it’s why limeted govermental powers, and checks and balances within all three branches of government are so very important. And why the 2nd amendment was made 2nd only to Free Speech so that the people would be able to protect it themselves against tyranny. 

The Founders wanted us to be able to Stand on a box in the Town Square and yell out our grievences to the world. They wanted us to have the right to write articles in a newspaper or make pamphlets, memos or leaflets, such the federalist papers. So we could spread our ideas  and viewpoints far and wide without anyone being able to stifle our speech or keep us from spreading truth to power. So why are so many people on the conservative side of the aisle having their right to free speech infringed upon? Why are these companies not being fined or even scorned for violating the first amendment rights of their users?  These are a couple of the big questions that we are facing today, that may end up negatively effecting our future forever.

A private club, organization, or Company rightly has complete control over its rules that  members or employees must follow. In order to be in the club or work environment The owners may decide what is acceptable, such as a dress code or honor code. This is also the case in some public institutions such as schools. They can also keep their members from talking inappropriately and it decides what it is and is not considered appropriate. They have control over just about anything, and it is their right to decide who is allowed to participate and how. Which is protected by our right not to participate in that club or work for that company.

   But is this what Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and others are? Are they really private clubs?  Or are these social media giants simply public social platforms that allow free and open speech, like that box in the town square you stand on to say your peace and shout it out to the masses? If it’s the former than they may be liable for anything people say and do with their platform, which is why Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook has said they are the latter, that they are simply a platform of free speech and are not responsible for the content of their users.

   So which is it Mark? You can not have it both ways. You either are a private entity that is totally responsible for the content of its members, or a public free speech platform in which you are not. If that is the case, if you are just a free speech platform, then you can not ban speech that you do not agree with at all, and you cannot infringe on that speech in any way, Our Constitution guarantees this.

So until Congress, or the FCC or someone, answers these questions and forces these companies to follow the law and the constitution, what are we supposed to do about it? There are some new platforms that have recently come out like TrumpTown and Codias. Both are brand new conservitive social media sites that are similar to those on the left but cater to those of us who tend to lean to the right a bit. We have also seen new Internet TV-like stations/websites that offer conservative news and opinions such as The Blaze and CRTV.

   I believe this is only the beginning because the Mainstream News Media, Hollywood Studios, Music Labels, Internet Social Platforms and Tech Companies have all pushed their progressive, social justice warrior ajenda at us, and have shunned, at very least, half of their potetial market by perpetually pushing that liberal progressive ajenda on the Right side of the country. They are actively pushing us away, or all out banning us altogether, and that is going to leave a vacume for those with a little vision to fill.

   There has always been a point of pushback from a population throughout history when people finally have finally had enough. Those times are when revolutions tend to happen. Viva Revolution. 


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Jason Haugen

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