
Just A Quick Thought: Lets Go Protest!

7 years ago I wrote a facebook post. It’s funny because it is still relevant today. The “occupy wallstreet” movement was still happening back then and everyone seemed to have “a cause” to stand for, protest or Riot about…

…not much has changed in 7 years. Here is what I wrote back then.

I am going to hit the streets and protest….I am going to be loud and make them listen. I wIll no longer be ignored. I am going to beat the drums, and yell a catchy chant, that will echo in their heads all week, so they will remember me. I will make big banners with witty sayings.

I will bring us all together for our cause.


What? … You don’t know what we are protesting for? Or what the cause actually is? You just want to be heard and need an excuse to hit the streets?

Well that’s okay, no worries, that happens here all the time…after all, it is our right to do it right?…

Good lets go… I call on all of you, my brethren, my comrades, to go out and hit the streets with me!!

United WE stand…and THEY fall!!!

Besides everything in our lives today is all about US verses THEM isn’t it??

I stll am, as I was back then, Just a bit tired of people in a hury to “jump on the band wagon” so quickly. Especially without seemingly knowing all the facts (or any of the facts) or without thinking for themselves…and just being carried away by the mindless crowd.

A great example was the whole occupy wallstreet movement. When asked, most of them had no idea what they were even protesting for, or they had their own ideas all together, seperate from everyone else…

…its like everyone just needs any excuse they hear about to riot in the streets, regardless of why or what they stand for…

…so, sarcastically, I was just trying to see how many people would actually not read my entire post and just say…”lets go!” without having, or knowing, the reason.

Because that’s how its done now days…

“I vaguely believe there is somekind of injustice in the world…so let’s go protest!

Let’s Go Start A Riot!”

It is also an interesting fact, that the majority of these “activists” come from the liberal far left…wonder why that is…?

Believe me, I believe in the right of free speech, the right to protest when you believe strongly about something, but when you don’t, and you just want the attention you get from it, or you just blindly follow the crowd to the street party, then its not standing for anything…

…and that frankly, that just absolutely bugs the crap out of me…what say you?

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Jason Haugen

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