
Life-Long Clinton ally & “Fixer” Sidney Blumenthal, Trying To Stop “Russia Probe Book” From Publishing

? picture: Sidney Blumenthal at the 2006 Texas Book Festival, Austin, Texas- Larry D. Moore CC BY-SA 3.0

A new book, soon to be released called, “The Plot Against the President: The True Story of How Congressman Devin Nunes Uncovered the Biggest Political Scandal in U.S. History,” by Lee Smith; has gotten the attention of life long Clinton Friend, and alleged “fixer” Sidney Blumenthal, and he wants the book’s publication to be cancelled.

As you can tell from the title, this book is not going to be good for Clinton or some DNC operatives. It’s about the beginnings of the Russian Collusion Conspiracy Hoax, and the origins of the Unverified and Salacious Dossier that was paid for by the Currupt Clinton Cartel, and the DNC, through the firm Fusion GPS; to be used as political opposition research or “dirt” against Trump.

As we have reported, This began as opposition research and quickly turned into something else, something darker and much more sleazy than just oppo-research…it became a political coup to undermine an election and then take down a sitting United States President, by one political party, the Democrats, against the opposition party.

From our earlier article:???❤???

It began with this cabal of players paying the firm, Fusion GPS, to get bogus opposition research from an ex UK intel officer , and fired FBI asset, Christopher Steele. He obtained the unsubstantiated and salacious dossier information from…you guessed it…the RUSSIANS.
Here’s the bottom line, (at the top) The DNC, and the Currupt Clinton Cartel, in conjuction with the Obama administration; used the DOJ, and FBI as a weapon against Trump in 2016 and beyond. Using unverified and salacious information collected by an ex British agent, who got it from Russian intelligence officials.
Then the same Intel agent Christopher Steele leaked that dossier to the media who ran with the story. And then, the DNC who got the dossier from Steele, gave it to the FBI. The FBI then used that same “news” story as varification and validation of the dossier’s legitimacy. (Which of course, was the basis for the story in the first place). And then, the FBI gave both the story and the dossier to a secret FISA court judge to get a warrent to spy on the Trump campaign…
…at first glance it may seem complicated, however, here it is in simple terms…
…the Clintons and the DNC were the only one’s Colluding with the Russians. in a new tab)

From the beginning, Rep Devin Nunes has worked tirelessly to uncover the truth behind the plot. And Lee’s book sets out his investigation into what is arguably the most serious and seditious political coup attempt in US history.

For more than two and a half years and over $25 million in waisted tax dollars, the Democrats with the help of their allies in the media tried to take down our President with lies and false allegations; the extent of which, is still not fully known, and neither is it known, how far up the chain this conspiracy to overthrow the government actually goes. Maybe all the way to the Obama White House.

But with Nunes, AG Barr, and a few other key republicans in congress along with some incredible investigative journalists, the truth will come out!

That is, unless, the members of the Currupt Clinton Cartel and their allies like Mr. Blumenthal are able to stop it, as he has tried to do with Mr. Smith’s book. According to Fox News a source familiar with the circumstances said Blumenthal threatened legal action against the book’s publisher, Center Street, a division of Hachette Book Group; sending letters to them saying that the book was “defamatory”

“Blumenthal tried to stop it from being published,” the source told Fox News, “The Clinton machine wanted to intimidate Lee,”

Must be nice to have a “fixer” on the books to take care of any of your dirty laundry that may be spilling out, when the need arises.

Fox news said that Smith himself would not discuss any purported legal threats, but acknowledged opposition to the book from those in the Clintons’ orbit.

“People in the Clinton world are keen for this book not to come out,” Smith said.

The source said that the publisher’s legal team found Blumenthal’s legal claim “meritless,” and they intend to release the book as planned on October 29th.

If you missed our report about SpyGate and the Russian Collusion Delusion hoax…take a look below:???❤???

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