
“Never Let A Crisis Go To Waste!”

“Never Let A Crisis Go To Waste!”

Rahm Emanuel, Democrat extremist and super lefty, is certainly not among folks I personally admire, but remember that a stopped clock is right twice a day! Ol’ Rahm is credited with the saying: “never let a crisis go to waste!” for political purposes, and I think I can confidently pronounce that he and the other mentally challenged Liberals, never saw the upside to the current and manufactured Coronavirus panic.

Please let me state that I am not pleased about anyone becoming sick, much less dying from any illness, and I want to wish anyone who has come down with Coronavirus, or any other disease for that matter, a speedy recovery. But let’s look at the facts so far: over 60,000 people die every year in the US from the flu, versus only a handful of folks who have expired from the Coronavirus. And we have never seen NASCAR races or basketball games, or much of any other sort of public event cancelled on account of possible exposure to the flu!

Here we are, a country who defeated the Nazi’s, lived normal lives under the threat of nuclear annihilation, broke the back of communism and the Iron Curtain, went to the Moon and came back with souvenirs, now turned into a bunch of whimpering ninnies literally afraid to even go outside! Maybe we have been watching too many Zombie Apocalypse type movies; and this current rampant anxiety hearkens back to a time my parents told me about, when listeners tuned in after the intro to Orson Welles reading his radio script of the War Of The Worlds— and freaked, thinking that the Martians were really invading!

Please let me announce: the sky is not falling, there is no Coronavirus Zombie Apocalypse, Global Warming usually happens every Summer, and there really is no need to stock up with a twenty year supply of toilet paper! I am certainly not making light of anyone’s sickness, but let’s just put things in perspective! The real threat here is “Liberal Mental Disease” and those infected with it who are in major media and political positions of influence. Also, I might mention that with so many of the mainline religious institutions abandoning their true source of direction and wisdom, which is the Christian Bible, many of their members are floundering about in confusion and detached from the comfort and strength they should be receiving from their faith.

I predict that the Coronavirus panic will last only as long as it takes for the Libs to figure out that this crisis is the best promotion for gun ownership within memory. It is really hard to convince people terrified for the safety of themselves and their families, that they should turn in their “AR-14’s” (the special Joe Biden version of the Armalite Rifle!) or whatever other type of firearm that they might possess.

Joe Biden to Voter “You’re Full Of Sh*t” & “No One needs an AR-14”

This bit of manufactured nonsense is already precipitating a sales bonanza for gun and ammo makers, and I contend that this weapons buying trend will continue for some time to come; as it should. This Coronavirus fiasco is serving as a stark reminder that we as individuals, must take some responsibility for our own wellbeing and security and not surrender to the crazed demands of the Libs and other police state types, that we give up our most effective physical means (firearms) to defend and preserve our lives, liberty, and future.

Let us as enthusiastic gun owners and 2nd Amendment supporters, take advantage of this current “fear-factor” epidemic and promote individual gun ownership along with the shooting sports. This is a crisis we can’t afford to waste!

Johnny Rowland is a media professional and lives with his family near Tombstone, Arizona. His email contact is: johnny460rowland@gmail.com

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