
No, We Shouldn’t Panic; But We Should Absolutely Close The Schools

This Story Was Updated @ 3pm March 15th 2020, See The Bottom Of The Page:

No you are absolutely correct, running to the local walmart to by a truckload of TP is ridiculous. There is no reason to panic here. Our Government officials and the CDC are pretty smart people. They can slow the transmission of this deadly disease. One way of course, is to stop travel from infected places such as China and Italy for example.

The President has also said that we should not gather together in large groups. They began by stopping big concerts and other events. This is a smart idea, stopping the spread of this virus should be our only priority. They then decided to cancel things for the kids, like after school sports and group functions. Kids are petri dishes anyway, so to keep them from spreading any disease from kid to kid, from the playground to the dinner table, is the only way we stop it in its tracks. Most School districts around the country understand this and have temporarily closed their schools.

Except, that is, for the Clark County School District in Nevada, a hotbed of foreign travelers and tourist from around the globe; and New York City School District, both are the only two, of the country’s major school districts, to ignore all of the warnings from the Government, and are continuing to send their kids to school. Why?

Why are the Governers, mayors and local school board officials, of the two largest school districts in the Country, refusing to close their schools? I admit, I am not one to panic and rush out and buy a ton of water bottles, canned food, and toilet paper, to stock up my house for the zombie apocalypse, everytime a small crisis hits the headlines. During the crisis (ridiculous Panic) of Y2K, I was one of the very few who did not instantly become a “prepper.” My poor kids were terrified that their friends had cupboards full of toilet paper, and we only had a couple packages.

However, I and the majority of the country, believe that temporarily closing our schools is the right thing to do. On Facebook there has been a March Madness Meme going around that shows the top ten largest schoold districs who have closed and we are now down to the final two:

Largest School District Closures:

  • New York City – OPEN
  • Hillsborough – CLOSED
  • Miami-Dade – CLOSED
  • Broward – CLOSED
  • Chicago Public – CLOSED
  • Clark County – OPEN
  • LA Unified – CLOSED
  • Houston ISD – CLOSED

So who’s in charge of these two districts? Why are they the only major holdouts?

In my opinion? Ultra-Liberalism, and TDS, (Trump Derangement Syndrome.) And the loss of money from tourism. These two states, their cities, and their school boards and districts are all run by the liberal left that hates the President so much, that they will always do the opposite of what he recommends, the public be dammed! Why else would they put the lives of their students at risk, when everyone around them and all of the other major districts in the country are temporarily closing? There are reports now that The New York City is about to follow suit and Close. But in Nevada, they are still holding out, starting from the top down. Governer Sisolak, Clark County Health District, and the School Board Superintendent of the CCSD Jesus Jara.

In Southern Nevada, the majority of the teachers, their union leadership, many of the school board members, the school administrators and their union, all believe that their schools should be closing. However they are recieving nothing but roadblocks from the Superintendent, the Clark County Health District leadership, and the Governor to stay open. Below is a conversation between Danielle Ford, a CCSD School Board Member, and Superintendent Jara, about closing the schools, take a look at what he says:

Are You Kidding Me?? The Governor of Nevada is following the lead of this guy Jara; who is following the lead of one doctor, who believes that healthy children can’t spread this disease to their families and beyond? You must be joking!

Take a look at this letter from Facebook by the CCEA Teachers Union. Asking all teachers to contact the Governor and ask him to close the Clark County School District:

??➡️ Please contact Governor Sisolak and urge him to support Nevada educators during this national crisis: http://gov.nv.gov/Forms/Share/

To All Educators:

“CCEA believes the current coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis is not simply a school district issue but a nationwide issue. Accordingly, this needs a global, all community effort to take the necessary steps to protect our students, front line educators, and the community at large. The number one concern of CCEA during this crisis is to ensure the safety of educators, students, and the community at large. Governor Sisolak has declared a state of emergency, and in doing so, needs to assist the Clark County School District in carrying out the responsible measures to suspend school operations as soon as possible.

Accordingly, Governor Sisolak should work with Superintendent Jara to ensure that CCSD has the needed funds, logistical structure it needs to shut down schools to assist in taking care of those students who need food, daycare, and other assistance the school system normally provides. In addition, Governor Sisolak needs to ensure that CCSD has the funds to pay all employees while the schools are not in operation. Furthermore, if there are makeup days for lost instruction, the Governor needs to ensure that CCSD has the financial resources to pay all employees.

Finally, all educators need to take responsible measures to ensure their own health and well-being. If an educator is not feeling well and has the symptoms of the coronavirus, then they need to seek medical attention right away, self-quarantine, and not report to work.

CCEA wants to thank each and every educator during this time for their commitment to their students and to the well-being of our community. The overwhelming demonstration of support to do the right thing is a hallmark of a community of educators who put their students and community first. CCEA also wants to thank the County Commission and local leaders in leading efforts to deal with the coronavirus crisis in our community.”

CCEA Executive Board

Here is another Leter from the NEAOSN Union to Superintendent Jara:

So why is the Governor not listening to the teachers? Why are they not Listening to our President? Why is the Governor following this Joke of a Superintendent Jesus Jara? Why do they not close these schools?

Governor Sisolak did Declair a State of Emergency so he understands how much of an emergency this really is. He should now order the CCSD to temporarily close. So that our children stay safe and uninfected, and so they don’t bring this virus home to their families and loved ones who may be at a higher risk of hospitalization or even death. With a long incubation period of the Coronavirus an infected child or staff member might spread it to half of the school before anyone even ever knew the school had a positive case of the virus.

It is unacceptable to keep these schools open. The Governer also needs to expand extra paid sick leave to any teachers or staff that need it right now, for those who meed to stay home because they or their families are high risk or feel like they must self quarantine. But the bottom line is, right now, the virus spreads so easily that everyone is at high rish if infection…Close These Schools.

And eventhough they say that the odds of death from coronavirus may not be high for younger healthier people, the risk of getting it is high for everyone. And anyone who gets sick from it, will not only suffer needlessly from the flu-like symptoms, but they could first spread it to our most vulnerable people, before they know they are sick.

Maybe they will change there minds? We will see. They have just now announced a press statement by Governor Sisolak and the Superintendent Jesus Jara at 3pm today…will the last school district holdout finally do the right thing?

I hope so.

☆~UPDATE~☆ Because of The Pressure From The Teachers & The Unions, Governor Sisolak Caved Today and Have Closed The CCSD. All Private, Charter & Public Schools Have Been Closed Until April 6th, When They Will Reassess. This Does Not Excuse the Fact That The SuperIntendant Jara and Governor Sisolak Put kids and Staff In Needless Danger, By Being The Last Scholl District In The Country To Close

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Jason Haugen

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