
Politically Biased Impeachment Inquiry: What A Sham

Watching this partisan hearing today, only confirms what we have known all along; that this has always been about overturning an election in 2016, that they felt they should have won. The only witness brought in today that is not a Trump supporter but does not believe that there has been enough actual proof that has risen to the level of an impeachable offence, Jonathan Turley, said it best today in his opening statement.

Take a Listen:???❤???

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There is no direct evidence that President Trump asked President Zielinski to investigate his political rival Joe Biden. There is no proof that Trump used holding military aid as blackmail against Ukrain to investigate the Bidens. He did however, mention “crowdstrike” of wich intelligence agencies have said that croudstrike meddled in the 2016 election. This is a valid thing for the President to want investigated. He talled about how the country has been through a lot with respect to the 2016 election meddling.

In fact Ukrain didn’t even know that the military aid was paused. There was no mention of the Bidens at all and No Quid-Pro-Quo. But there was blackmail against Ukraine, just not by Trump.

Joe Biden has bragged about blackmailing Ukraine to fire a DA who was looking into the company Burisma that his sonwas getting paid $50,000 a month to sit on its board, eventhough he had no knowledge or experience about the company. The only thing he had going for him was that his dad was the Vice President of the most powerful country in the world. And that gave Joe Biden the power to tell Ukrain that if they didnt fire the man investigating the company paying his som millioms of dollars, he would hold over a billion dollars in aid…yet they are trying to impeach Trump for doing nothing of the sort.

The only two people who were actually on that call Zielinski and Trump, both said there was no pressure put on Ukrain by Trump.

There is no other direct evidence that anything else happened othaer than a normal call between two allied world leaders. No reap evidence except for hearsay and presumption, thoughts, feelings, and conjecture.

This has been a complete waste of time and tax payer money. All to overturn the 2016 election and they have been trying to get Trump, by way of political coup, since the day he was inaugurated.

Now they have completely changed the rules of the house to make this as unfair and politically biased as possible.

Not giving the President any due process, not allowing the Republicans to ask particular questions or call particular witnesses. just look at today’s wittnesses, all four of them are left wing liberal professors who did not vote for Trump and gave money to Democrat campaigns.

The Democrats on the committee only questioned the three wittnesses who agree with them politically and completely ignored the fourth who does not believe what they want him to believe.

Out of the four witnesses today, only one has said that this is a sham, because there has not been any proof of any wrongdoing by the president. He said that there has been no evidenence or any proof to even be holding these hearings, only presumption, hearsay and conjecture.

You cannot impeach a president because you just don’t like him, there has to be actual proof of wrong doing that rises to an extreamly high level. You must have fact wittnesses who actually have first hand knowledge or proof that the President has done something that rises to high crimes and misdemeanors, treason, obstruction of justice…and so on, but there has been none of that.

Their hopes of getting the President by pushing a nonsense Russian collusion conspiracy theory for more than two years failed. They pushed that theory with the help of their Media allies and partisan investors and when that didn’t work, they then moved to get him on obstruction over firing James Comey. And when that didn’t work, they have now moved to getting him on this Ukraine nonsense.

Read our story and watch all the videos that breakdown every part of the Ukraine hoax below:

If this continues, it will absolutely tear the country apart. We may even end up seeing our next civil war, and all because of partisan left wingers who want to regain the power that they lost in 2016.

They are making this up as they go. Normally, the way an impeachment inquiry works, is that it starts in the judiciary committy not the intelligence committee. They get to hear from FACT wittnesses, before hearing from the constitutional law attorneys. Both sides get to subpoena wittnesses, and ask any questions they want to get to the truth.

Then, they write up the articles of impeachment, and only after that, do they then bring in the constitutional attorneys to talk about the constitutionality of the articles to see if they are valid.

But the Democrats haven’t done any of that, there has been no due process here, there were no fact wittnesses, they started in the Intel committee not the judiciary, they call biased lawers in to talk about impeachment so that they can the write the articles of impeachment around the attorney’s testimony, not the other way around.

This is not the way we should run an impeachment of any President.

The President should not have to prove his innocence, he has the same presumption of innocence until proven guilty…just like any other citizen.

This has been a sham from the beginning. And the voters will see right through it. The Democrats know that if they are not successful in impeaching this President, we will once again vote for him and he will get re-elected for a second term. This is their last hope to stop Trump and get their power back. This is why they are so desperate that they are showing their true partisan colors. Because they have no other way of winning back the Presidency.

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