
Power Corrupts; Red Tape & Bureaucracy Smother Liberty – Will They Force You To Comply?

Why is Socialism so popular in today’s society. The same reason it was when Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Castro came to power in their countries. The Government made it so terrible to survive that the people had no choice but to let the Government “save them.”

When you are unable to work because the Government has made it too expensive for your new business to get opened & licensed. And regulation is so strict that you can’t afford to comply, and there are no Jobs because there are no new businesses. Then your only choices are, to become a criminal, starve to death, or rely on the Government for everything you need to live.

And that is what the leftists have slowly done to our country since “The New Deal.” They have tried to make it impossible for businesses to do business. So that the people are more reliant on the Government to take care of their every need. They hate Capitalism and love power.

Power corrupts; and absolute power corrupts, absolutely. Which is why we are seeing so much State Government overreach now during the COVID-19 pandemic. Basically destroying the economy, some of these Governors are seeing big opportunity. They have closed all the “non-essential” businesses. Told you that you can only go to “essential” places, and buy “essential” items. That you can no longer leave your home without an “essential” purpose. And they get to decide what the terms “essential” and “non-essential” mean.

In some states, you can no longer take your child to the park, you can’t take your boat out on the lake, no fishing, no hunting, no recreation at all.

To keep you safe? For your own good?? That’s what they say. but that is far from the truth of the matter.

Over 244 years ago, a group of men from an oppressive authoritarian nation, run by a overbearing heavy-handed tyrant, started a revolution. In England at that time, classism, outrageously high taxes, and next to no liberty, was the way of the world. Only those with power, kept power, and those who did not, lived in squalor and destitution. and every single “essential” need was met for them by their Government.

These men decided to break away from England, and started a new type of government. an experiment in self governance, that would be based on the protection of an individual’s rights, over the needs of the collective majority. This new government would ensure each person’s right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. And it has been working for more than 200 years.

Until now…

They knew that people are smart enough and responsible enough to police themselves, to create laws that would protect their local communities, to genuinely govern themselves. So what has changed? Yes there were always outliers who didn’t follow the rules, criminals…dumb-asses. But as a whole we have done an excellent job at running a country and caring for and protecting our property, our families, and our selves, without the government stepping in, “for our own good.”

We all agree that the main function of a Government is to protect its citizens, and personally, I believe Mr. Trump has done a phenomenal job at that here. but there is a line that must not be crossed, and that is personal liberty.

There are people who now believe that this corona virus is really no big deal. and so they are living their lives like they always have, everyone else be dammed. and there does need to be away to help these people understand that they are not just risking their own lives, but those of their families as well. Not to mention putting everyone else’s lives in danger too. My mother is in the “High Risk” of death category. If she gets infected with this disease, she would most likely die from it. She has had a quadruple heart bypass surgery and is in stage 4 kidney failure, and so this is particularly scary for our family.

These people walking around coughing and sneezing on everything and everyone, are taking the chance of spreading this deadly disease with every surface they touch everywhere they go. With the incubation period being so long, (the way China intended it,) they are spreading the virus to potentially hundreds of other people, before they even have any signs or symptoms. Now that we have stories from survivors, we know just how terrible this sickness truly is, it is not just cold symptoms here it is true suffering for those who get it.

And we need to be extremely cautious when we are out in public; but that doesn’t mean we need to be under house arrest without committing an offence, or a crime of some-kind. There needs to be a way to get through to these people, to help them understand; but incredibly high fines and the government using force to arrest people for leaving their homes, is not the answer.

I am not sure what the answer is. but that is the role of Government to find the answers, and to do it without trampling on our rights and our liberty while they do.

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Jason Haugen

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