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Proof of The Real Russian Collusion: The FBI, DNC, The Currupt Clinton Cartel, DOJ, Fusion GPS,Christopher Steele, & the Russians

Article By Jason Haugen and Tammy Seymour Dillingham 3-15-19

More big news: The President has declasified all documents into the Russian hoax and the Hillary Clinton email scandal, without redaction! Take a look below.

Updated: 07.27.20 New Evidence – This Is Big News – The “Russian Source” named in the Secret FISA Court Warrent for the Steele Dossier that Started this all, was acctually an American source.


UPDATE: No Collusion Found!

BREAKING From Fox News: Attorney General William Barr releases his summary of the Mueller report.

Tucker Carlson gives remarks after Mueller report says; “No Collusion”


For over two years, and after more than $25 million dollars in investigations, we have been told that the President of the United States colluded with the Russian Government to sabotage our elections so that he would win the Presidency in 2016…

…and in that time, not one single solitary piece of evidence has been found or leaked to support it.

Remember when Adam Schiff said he had “More than circumstantial evidence of Trump Collusion” and it turned out, that he was lying?

Well, there is evidence of Russian collusion, it just wasn’t Trump doing the Colluding.

It began with this cabal of players paying the firm, Fusion GPS, to get bogus opposition research from an ex UK intel officer Christopher Steele. He obtained the unsubstantiated and salacious dossier information from…you guessed it…the RUSSIANS.

Here’s the bottom line, (at the top) The DNC, and the Currupt Clinton Cartel, in conjuction with the Obama administration; used the DOJ, and FBI as a weapon against Trump in 2016 and beyond. Using unverified and salacious information collected by an ex British agent, who got it from Russian intelligence officials.

Then the same Intel agent Christopher Steele leaked that dossier to the media who ran with the story. And then, the DNC who got the dossier from Steele, gave it to the FBI. The FBI then used that same “news” story as varification and validation of the dossier’s legitimacy. (Which of course, was the basis for the story in the first place). And then, the FBI gave both the story and the dossier to a secret FISA court judge to get a warrent to spy on the Trump campaign…

…at first glance it may seem complicated, however, here it is in simple terms…

…the Clintons and the DNC were the only one’s Colluding with the Russians.

Who Paid For The Salacious Dossier?

We often hear that it was the Republicans themselves who paid the firm Fusion GPS to create the unverified dossier in order to keep Trump from becoming president, In the article 2017/10/27/

they expalin,

“The Free Beacon, funded in large part by the New York hedge fund billionaire Paul Singer, hired the firm, Fusion GPS, in 2015 to unearth damaging information about several Republican presidential candidates, including Mr. Trump. But The Free Beacon told the firm to stop doing research on Mr. Trump in May 2016, as Mr. Trump was clinching the Republican nomination.

Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee had begun paying Fusion GPS in April for research that eventually became the basis for the dossier”

So once Trump won the Republican nomination, and no significant skeletons were uncovered in anyone’s closet, any Republican on Republican opposition research stopped, and the Clinton Cartel run DNC began paying Fusion GPS to continue to try and dig up dirt on Trump and his campaign.

Which then led to the still unverified and uncorroborated dossier, and the involvement of the DOJ and FBI to be used as political weapons against Trump and his Campaign.

Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch discusses this here.

We then learn that the FBI lied by omission to the secret FISA court judge by not telling the court that the information used to obtain their warrent to spy on the Trump Campaign, was in fact Opo-Research paid for by one Presidential candidate and political party against the opposition candidate.

Hannity- Everyone who signed off on these warrants, signed off on unverified uncorroborated Russian lies.

They didn’t tell the judge, presumably because they knew that a warrent would never be granted to spy on the Trump campaign if the judge understood it was all based on political opposition research.

Read the article below for more information about the FISA court warrent and the omission by the FBI:

Also as it turns out, the DOJ under the Obama administration, had the FBI put a spy into the Trump campaign, starting clear back in 2016. The spy, Stephen Halper, had significant and direct ties to Russia and the Russian government, And began spying on Michael flynn, George Papadopoulos and Carter Page under instructions from the Obama admin’s Department of Justice and the FBI.

As soon as the election began gearing up the DOJ began spying on, and investigating the opposing political party’s candidate in an effort to discredit Trump and keep him from becoming President. They used a spy with ties to Russia to influence the election. It’s incredible to think that a sitting, out going, President would use the power of the Government against a political rival in this way…but that is exactly what happened.

As reported in a bombshell report by Sarah Carter, the Pentagon and the FBI put a spy with close ties to Russia into the Trump campaign to try and “Set Up” campaign staffers and to spread lies about Russian collusion in order to influence the election…exactly what the Mueller investigation was supposed to be looking into Trump for doing…

…We have included that full report as well as a video of Sarah Carter explaining the findings of her investigation below:

WATCH: Sara Explains Her Bombshell Report on ‘Hannity’
Above: Proof that the DOJ, FBI, and the Obama admin used spy Stephan Halper with ties to Russia to spy on the Trump campaign.

The House intelligence committee launched two different Dossier investigations into the FBI, DOJ, and the FISA warrent as well as the spying on the Trump campaign in general.

This is the greatest abuse of power scheme in US history, and one in which the curruption goes all the way to the top. Never before has such a group come together in a conspiracy of this magnitude to stop a political opponent by any means necessary.

And now that conspiracy is Hell-Bent on bringing down the President in a never-before-seen political coup. It spreads even broader, with not just the Democrats in congress, but also the so called “Deep State” that hides within every department in all branches of our Government. They are either Obama holdovers or DNC spies, even some “Never Trumpers” in the GOP are involved.

Also Hollywood the Mainstream News Media and the Social Media Giants have joined this unholy alliance, and are attacking anyone on the Right and the President at every turn.

They have all helped to spread lies, leak classified meterials, make up “Fake News” stories, and generally sabotage the President and his agenda to Make America Great.

Untill Trump is able to “Drain the Swamp” as he has promised to do, he will be under constant attack from these people. It is up to each one of us to safeguard our freedom and liberty by voting these people out of office.

Also by calling our members of congress and demanding action and accountability for these treasonous acts against our republic and our President. And to call out the lies and deception of the left’s propaganda everytime we see it.

After two years and millions of dollars spent, by a currupt and politically biased special Council investigation, there has been no proof of any wrong doing by the President. Nor any evidence of Trump’s collusion with Russia to win the election.

Wikileaks and the DNC Leaked Emails

They also tried to connect the wikileak’s leaked emails and DNC documents to Russia. Julian Assange himself said he did not get the DNC documents from Russia and that he did not send anyone from the Trump campaign any advanced knowledge of the leaks.

But lets just think about what was in those leaked documents and emails.

Leaked Emails from Wikileaks

In them, we learned that Hillary Clinton and the Currupt Clinton Cartel were in charge of the DNC making every decision involving the 2016 election; which is illegal in itself, according to the FEC (Federal Election Commission) rules, neither the DNC nor the GOP can collude with or intervene in their candidate’s election campaigns.

We also learned that Hillary colluded with the DNC to fix the primary election against Bernie Sanders and how dirty they would fight against the Sanders campaign to win the primary, as well as what they truly thought about him and his campaign staff. All of which led to the ouster of DNC chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz. That story is here

DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz Called Sanders Campaign Manager Jeff Weaver an “A–” and a “Liar”

From ABC News- In May the Nevada Democratic State Convention became rowdy and got out of hand in a fight over delegate allocation. When Weaver went on CNN and denied any claims violence had happened, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, once she was notified of the exchange, wrote “Damn liar. Particularly scummy that he never acknowledges the violent and threatening behavior that occurred.”

In another instance, right before the Nevada Convention, Weaver publicly commented, “I think we should go to the [national] convention.” The chairwoman was flagged about this comment and responded in an e-mail, “He is an a–.”

Other top DNC staffers also lost their positions and stepped down in disgrace after the leaked emails.

Later, the next DNC Chair, Donna Brazil, who took over after Wasserman Schultz was ousted, was herself ousted by another scandal; where she was caught giving debate questions, in advance of the debate, to the Clinton Campaign. She later wrote a book detailing the Clinton Cartel take over of the DNC and she also lost her job as a CNN contributor.

The emails and documents that were released only showed the truth. The curruption, hypocrisy, and collusion of the Clintons and the DNC. Included was everything from a missing and illegal $12 million dollar donation from the King of Morocco, to all of the pay for play schemes of the Clintons and the Clinton foundation that made Hillary and Bill rich while she was Secretary of State and beyond.

They showed the curruption, and infighting amoung the DNC and the Clinton campaign. And also proved that Obama knew about Hillary’s illegal use of a private email server long before that information was made public. And that Hillary wanted to secretly get involved in Syria.

There are too many scandals and revelations to list here, but basically the leaked emails only brought transparency to the American people about the scummy things that Hillary and the DNC had done and what kind of low life people they truly are.

So weather or not someone broke the law by hacking into and releasing their emails, which is neither here nor there, it isn’t as if the damaging emails themselves were faked or made up; it was all TRUE information, and it only gave the voters a glimpse into the true nature and character of the Democratic Candidate and the people she surrounded herself with.

Which in my opinion was only good for the country. The more information the people have about their candidates the better…

…You can read more of the email revelations Here

It is incredible, and scary, to think that it has now become common place for one political party to use the full power of the Department of Justice, the office of the outgoing President, and the power of the FBI to spy on, investigate, and go after their political opponents.

And then use the FBI to try and take back the Government from the other party’s incoming Presidential candidate before and after the election. This is a political coup plain and simple.

To use uncorroborated and salacious intel gathered by foreign agents as the basis for a secret FISA court warrent to spy on a political rival is mind blowing. And then to spread a ridiculous lie and start a politically biased investigation, that the new President had colluded with the Russians to win the election, is absolutely outrageous, especially when, the fact is the only people who colluded with the Russians were the DNC and the Clinton campaign.

There is a rumor that the Mueller Probe will be coming to an end soon and his report will be released within the next couple of weeks. But I guarantee that they have found no evidence to support their ridiculous theory of Trump Russia Collusion. If they had any evidence, any smoking gun, it would have leaked out already, like every other negitive information about the Trump campaign or associates have, but there has only been silence. Which tells me that we have been RIGHT all along.

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Below you will find other source meterial and video links used for this article:

SpyGate: Epoch Times
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