
Protest organizer arrested. What is happening to our country?

Seriously, this is getting out of hand. I am worried about the ramifications for our country. These Democrat Governors and Mayors are trampling all over the Constitution. Yes, I know there are Shelter In Place orders that are supposed to be followed, but at what point does our personal liberty and Constitutional Rights trump the overreach of these officials. There are not many people objecting to precautions, 6 foot social distancing, and the like. These officials are shutting down outdoor spaces, church parking lots, garden seed purchases, and other things that have zero to do with getting a handle on this virus. We can not keep our country shut down forever. If we do not find a way to allow things to start attempting to open back up, we are not going to have an economy to speak of and without an economy, what do we have? Yes, we have life, but even in the quest to save all the lives we can, we MUST look towards the future. We MUST have something to have lived for left.

Now, anyone that knows me, knows I DESPISE this kind of activism. I think it is repugnant to punish your fellow citizens in ANYWAY to prove your point. Taking to the streets, no matter car or foot, you are blocking those with a legitimate need to navigate from doing so freely. While there are a huge number of us in this country under shelter in place situations, there are essential people that we are asking to put themselves on the line for us, out there everyday.

With that being said, I am afraid these “government officials” that have forgotten they work for us, are putting a match to the fuse hanging out the top of a barrel of dynamite. I worry that in the middle of a pandemic with our economy literally in shambles, our resources tapped, and our access to more nonexistent we will find ourselves with violence erupting all over our country. Something needs to happen in the column of good for the people, and needs to happen quickly. In the meantime, we all NEED to remember it is the driven need of the Democrats to conquer and divide. They want their power back, and every bit of this chaos they are causing goes directly to support that agenda. Do not let them win. They can not be allowed to take anything else from We The People. I am not saying I have all the answers, but I am saying these types of overreach are not the way this needs to go.

As if that alone was not bad enough, the Attorney General went further in saying this “Our police officers are working bravely and tirelessly every day to protect us during this health crisis. Regrettably, they are being called upon far too often to deal with people violating the emergency orders— or what is more egregious, people using the virus to spread fear or impede officers in their vital work,” said Attorney General Grewal. “Staying home and maintaining social distance isn’t just the best advice to stay healthy, it’s the law. Make no mistake, we will do everything in our power to keep our residents and officers safe, and that means we won’t hesitate to file charges against violators.”

These are my personal opinions and feelings. They do not necessarily reflect the thoughts and opinions of everyone here at The RightWay, but this is a place that supports differences.

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Tammy Seymour Dillingham

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