
REPARATIONS: How Liberals Manipulate The Weak-Minded for Political Gain

We’ve heard a lot of talk lately about reparations for the descendants of slaves, with arguments heating up on both sides of the aisle. Especially from the liberals who want to manipulate weak-minded people for political gain.

It’s an emotionally charged issue. And in such cases, many low-information Americans let those emotions take priority over sound reasoning and facts, basing their positions instead on “feelings,” “greed,” or a desire for “virtue signaling,” rather than logic —doing so with very little understanding of our true history.

These emotionally overcharged, low-information Americans are played as pawns and used by liberal manipulators to further the degrading and destructive ideologies that divide instead of unite us as one people. The term “useful idiots” comes to mind.

As history has shown us, people of ALL races were bought and sold. People of ALL races were forced to work as slaves in America and in countries all over the world, with slavery dating back thousands of years before America existed as a nation.

Even the Old Testament Bible speaks of the Jewish people being enslaved by Egyptians thousands of years ago. But that part of history, though accurate, is typically ignored, unless you’re in Sunday school and the topic is Moses.

When we discuss slavery, it almost invariably becomes a race issue. We typically don’t discuss the numerous black slave owners or black slave traders; rather, the focus is on the black slaves and the dehumanization of those of African heritage that led to this sad and often misunderstood, morally tragic chapter in world history.

There are still countries, to this day, where human life is considered nothing more than a commodity, in socialist and communist states where those in power live in luxury off the backs of the citizens who are in turn left to search through trash bins and beg in the streets in the hopes their children won’t go to bed hungry that night.

Sadly, when you’re born into a culture that doesn’t hold human life as sacred, then those on the outside looking in won’t hold yours as sacred, either.

Many, many cultures have been guilty of this. And it helped give rise to the worst type of human exploitation imaginable: slavery.

Aristocratic merchant (representative of the Grand Sharif) with his Circassian slave. Photographic atlas of Mecca, Hague, 1888-1889. Taken in 1886-1887

Anyone who could be dehumanized could become a slave. Conquering nations, having dehumanized their opponents during war, made slaves of their enemies. Parents raised in a culture that dehumanized its citizens, carried the practice on to their children, at times selling their own sons and daughters, or the children of neighbors, to slave traders for profit. All because their culture refused to believe in the sanctity of human life.

My Scottish ancestor, after being forced to walk to England on a 118 mile death march that started on September 4, 1650 and resulted in the deaths of thousands of his fellow Highlanders captured along with him, was shipped off and sold to the colonies by the British, never to see his home again.

Take a look at some Scottish history:?

The British were obviously slave traders too. Slavery was not invented by America. But if you listen to liberal propaganda, you may actually believe that slavery started here in the USA. Back in the 1650s when my ancestor was sold to the colonies, slavery was common practice all over the world.

Amazing Grace: The true store of the birth of that famous song, and the man, a former slave ship captain, who wrote it. And a great man, who changed the history of the world; who faught and risked everything, to end slavery and the slave trade in Britain.

Another fact that seems to be conveniently forgotten, is that people of all races came together and fought violently, losing life and limb, dying and bleeding out on the battlefield to stop this injustice on American soil – an injustice that was not of their making, but one they assumed the responsibility to end, nonetheless.

We came together as a people to put a stop to the madness called slavery. Imagine what amazing things we could accomplish today if we could set aside our petty differences and all came together again as one people! We would be unstoppable!

Those who accomplished this so long ago, made a difference in the lives of future generations. Their self sacrifice gave us all a better life.

Isn’t their blood and sacrifice enough payment? Are there people so short sighted today to believe the descendants of those who abolished slavery should also pay reparations?

As descendants of those who gave up their lives to stop slavery, we can accept that their sacrifice isn’t our sacrifice. We can accept that it is not we who should be thanked or rewarded for their great deeds. I certainly don’t expect a “thank you” because of what my ancestors did when they fought and died so that all men could be free.

But somewhere along the way, it has been twisted to the point that there is now a group of manipulators-of-history insisting that our taxpayers should be punished for the bad deeds of others long dead—that we owe a huge debt. That we somehow profited from it. Considering the low percentage of Americans who actually owned slaves, any “profit” would have been highly concentrated and lined the pockets of few people.

And yet, we’ve all been judged and found guilty of slavery instead of appreciated for what our ancestors did to stop that barbaric practice. Damned and shamed, forced to shoulder all the blame, but no credit for all of the good.

Basically, the history distorters have decided that we must make amends for what other people did…and they want us to pay up…

…are demanding we pay up;

for something none of us did, and none of us experienced.

But only for a select group of people. And in the most racist of ways, typical of true Democrat mentality, based on the color of someone’s skin.

I say that debt has long been paid by the blood of my dead ancestors who died fighting for the belief that all men are created equal. What greater sacrifice than to die for someone else? Especially for someone you don’t know, never met… To give up your life so others can live free.

Brave men died to stop a common practice that had gone on for thousands of years.

That war to end slavery happened here, folks. In America! We were a new country trying to find our way. Trying to make this land a better place for all people. Americans put an end to slavery here. Do we get credit for that?


We get blamed.

No one living today can take credit for stopping slavery. Brave men generations ago risked it all so that other men could live free.

Since we don’t take the credit for ending slavery, surely none of us should shoulder the blame and responsibility of slavery, either.

I hear many ask how a descendant of a slave can be paid for something they never experienced with money from taxpayers who never owned slaves, with many of these tax payers being descendants of slaves, themselves. And with many of the intended recipients being direct descendants of actual slave owners. And with all of the intended recipients having benefitted from slavery, themselves!

How have their descendants benefitted? The truth of the matter is, if not for slavery, those descendants of slaves wouldn’t exist today. Had my ancestor not endured that 118 mile death march that resulted in his arriving on a ship named Unity to be sold off to the colonies, I would not exist. That’s not a “feeling,” but a fact. In effect, I am a beneficiary of the hell my ancestor endured.

We all are.

We build on each generation, hopefully making it better each time. And that’s what we did when we abolished slavery.

How could I expect reparations for something that, had it not happened, would have resulted in my non-existence?

Yes, Americans owned slaves. White Americans owned slaves. Black Americans owned slaves, too. And they weren’t just black slaves out there plowing their fields. All races have been subjected to slavery. And it started with the dehumanization of others.

What I don’t hear these reparations demanders say is that they want the Asian, Celtic, Jewish, Hispanic or any other race except those of African or other black heritage to be on the receiving end of reparations.

Why is that? There were slaves of every color. Even here in America. Especially here in America.

Are the descendants of Asian or Jewish or Celtic or Hispanic European slaves less than?

Was the pain and abuse of thousands upon thousands of non-black slaves not as important because they weren’t black? Because of something as insignificant as their different pigmentation?

And yet, we hear about reparations only for the descendants of black slaves, despite there having been black slave owners right here on American soil! And countless non-black slaves. So obviously, this talk of reparations isn’t about slavery. Otherwise, the descendants of any slave – regardless of race – would be part of this liberal concocted equation they call reparations.

The logical conclusion to this disparity is that this is NOT about slavery, itself, but something else entirely. Otherwise, the descendants of all slaves, regardless of race, would be considered part of this.

And women, too. As we were once considered nothing more than a man’s property to be treated however poorly or cruelly a man wished. As it was with slaves, women were denied the right to vote, the right to own property, and were considered and treated as less than, beaten and sometimes murdered because females were considered less. Do we hear about reparations for women?

So if it’s not about slavery or the poor treatment they received, then what IS it about?




The resurrection of past prejudices and hatred so the Democrat party – the party of slavery – can add more resentment to keep us divided?

The inconvenient truth about the Democratic party

A big middle finger from liberal America to the non-black population of America so they can be free from the self-imposed white guilt that none of us deserve, since none of us ever owned a slave?

All of the above for political purposes?

They are buying votes by promising money to those who vote for them, using reparations to manipulate us and to manipulate their way into power. They are cunning, yet stupid to think we don’t see this for what it truly is.

A bribe for votes.

You don’t hear anyone asking how the descendants of those who died to stop something that they never started be paid for what their ancestors gave up in the name of freedom for people they didn’t even know.

Do you?

They don’t talk about how they can give reparations to the countless descendants of the men, women and even children who fought to defeat slavery who never came home, or who came home without legs and arms …leaving some of their families completely destitute. Do they?

Nope. No one talks about paying the descendants of those brave and determined souls.

But those same descendants —the descendants of those who fought and died to free the slaves—are now being manipulated and used and called racists if they dare disagree with this racist ideology of reparations.

Reparations is about giving money to the descendants of slaves…but ONLY if they are black.

Really makes me wonder what other ridiculous tripe they’re going to try and shove down our throats. If we accept this blame and reparations scam, it’s just the beginning. So we either stop this madness now, or we better open wide, folks, because they’re going to be cramming a lot more BS, blame, and shame down our collective throats.

The irony does not escape us: The Democrats, the party of slavery…the party that fought for the right to own other human beings while the Republicans fought and died to free the slaves….

The inconvenient truth about the Republican party.

yes, the Democrats, the very party that after losing the war against slavery, and being forced to free their slaves, then fought long and hard for decades against equal rights for black slaves and their descendants… The Democrats, who have sanctioned Planned Parenthood, the largest murderer of black children…

The reasons why the Democrat party is the party of sSavery and Jim Crow Laws, and the KKK.

Yes, THOSE Democrats, who think voter ID laws are racist because they truly believe someone of color is too feeble minded to make their way to a local DMV get a state ID card, are now using the very issue their party represents – racism, bigotry and slavery – as a means to trade cash for votes.

If you ask this writer if reparations should be given to the descendants of slaves, I’d only give the nod if it were the Democrat party – the party of slavery, bigotry and elitist mentality – who had to cough up all the money. Then, and only then, would I even consider it.

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Jae Eubanks

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