
Sandy Hook Promise’s Graphic Back To School Shooter P.S.A. Is Not Anti-Gun

As I watched this new P.S.A. video from the group, Sandy Hook Promise, I couldn’t look away; as a father and an uncle, it is hard to put into words the flood of emotion that flowed through my mind and deep into my soul.

I guess that is the whole point, they want you to be moved by it. It’s a highly contentious video and it pulls no punches as it’s forcing you to experience the fear from the victims of a school shooting. See the video below,

? Caution it’s a bit graphic:?

Sandy Hook Promise released a chilling video featuring the “new realities” of students going back to school with fears of school shootings. Credit:  SANDY HOOK PROMISE

As I was saying, the video sure did it’s job pefectly on me; by sparking the usual emotions one feels when they see this type of thing. You can only imagine what the actual victims of The Sandy Hook Tragedy must have gone through…

…and no one can imagine what the parents and loved ones of those children must be facing every day .

I couldn’t take my eyes off of the screen, just waiting for the other shoe to drop; waiting for the anti-gun social justice warrior’s point to be made…but it wasn’t. Not throughout the entire P..S.A./commercial.

I fully expected to roll my eyes and shake my head at another video post arguing to ban all guns, or “assault” weapons at least, but none of that happened…

…in fact, they did what us conservatives have been shouting at the top of our lungs to do…bring attention to the Mental Illness side of the gun violence debate.

The last line at the end of the video says, “School shootings are preventable, when you know the signs.”

“School shootings are preventable,

when you know the signs.”

This is a much more valid topic and slogan, to start a discussion about school shootings in this country, but it is just the beginning of the debate. There are also many other important steps that we as a nation need to take.

  • One we need to understand and deal with mental illness, the causes, treatments, and so on.- It is already illegal for someone with a mental illness, who has been involuntarily committed, to own or carry a gun. But it still happens, and another gun control law won’t fix this.
  • Two, we need to re-think “Gun Free Zones,” especially at our schools. Close to 90% of all mass shootings happen in gun free zones. They just don’t work, and criminals want to strike places that they know will not have any law abiding gun owners who will shoot back at them.
  • Three, We need more armed guards and staff in our schools. If there are more visible guards it may deter a gunmam from attacking in the first place, and staff with concealed carry permits, can defend the children and themselves if there is a shooter. Plus if there are large signs, that say that the staff is armed, (instead of “Gun Free Zone signs,) a shooter might think twice about shooting up the place; especially not knowing who may or may not be able to shoot back.
  • And Four, We need better training for teachers and staff, in self defense, and gun safety, as well as recognizing the kids who are suffering with mental illness, who are getting bullied, the kids who are loners, the troubled kids and the trouble makers, and so on…We also need better training, on how to help them and how to deal with these kids and these types of situations.

We need to put as much energy and time, and money, into making our schools safe for our children, as we do in our country’s counter terrorism efforts…


The group, Sandy Hook Promise, made another video last year about stopping school shootings, it was also a moving video…We need to save our kids…even the ones who are troubled; and we, (all of us,) need to lean what signs to look for, and how to prevent it. Especially before those troubled kids turn into killers.

Here is their video from last year:?

And here is Forbes’ take on the new video:?

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Jason Haugen

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