
Share of The Day: Dear Liberals – by anonymous

COMMENTARY: While many who voted for Donald J Trump in 2016 may not share this anonymous writer’s at times brutal characterization of our president, I think most—if not all—can agree that this eye-opening letter (below) regarding the snobbish attitudes of the “far“ left, their selfish distain for others, their ignorance of their own hypocrisy, rampant intolerance, unabashed hatred, and unsolicited acts of violence all undoubtedly contributed, in part, to the election of one of the greatest Presidents ever–and certainly the greatest US President in my lifetime, Donald J Trump.

Our article covering the abuse of the Covington Catholic High School teen, Nick Sandman, touches upon this topic. You can read about it here: https://therightway.site/to-the-haters-of-the-covington-catholic-high-school-teens/

You have no one but yourselves to blame.

Because youallowed this to happen.

Trump’s voters may have elected him, and the Republican Party—with varying degrees of reluctance—may have decided to back him, but it was you—the Democratic Party, the liberals, the left—who did more than anyone else to create the polarized political atmosphere that made his ascension possible in the first place.

Everything Donald Trump is doing that you hate, everything he’s doing, has done or will do, the utter erasure of Obama’s legacy—all of it is your fault. This is all on you, because without you Trump would never have had even a ghost of a chance at winning.

It was all you.

Is you.


You did it.

You made this possible.

You created Donald Trump.


For too long, those who work the hardest, who support their families and their communities, give to charities when they have extra, have been treated with utter contempt by the far left.

The more we would mind our own business and push through to make a better life for our families, the more the government penalized us—the more the liberal snobicrats stared down their haughty and self-important noses, until the point where one Democrat candidate openly and infamously referred to half of America as a “basket of deplorables.”

Taking their cue from their beloved Hillary Clinton, the far left believed it was open season on Conservatives, and went on a rampage of self-righteous degradation.

Since then, we’ve been verbally assaulted, physically assaulted, chased out of restaurants, forced to go against our core beliefs, and even battered. If we put a political sticker on our vehicles supporting our candidate of choice? We run the risk of having our car destroyed. How’s that for tolerance?

And for what?

A wise person once explained that when you judge the motives of others, it’s based on your own motives. We see others as a reflection of ourselves. So when liberals judge us unfairly as racist, homophobic, xenophobic, misogynistic, that evil is in their hearts, not ours.

If a person dares to believe facts, such as the majority of our drug smuggling and an inordinate amount of human trafficking is coming up from our southern border? We’re called racist, Nazis, for wanting to put a stop to it.

When we request that the integrity of our elections be made secure by requiring voter ID? We’re called racists, bigots, simply because we want a fair election and not one won by voters long dead.

If we dare believe we are entitled to the fruits of our own labor? We’re called selfish, greedy, as we struggle to put food on the table and and keep our homes out of foreclosure, watching other people’s children attend college on our tax dollars, while unable to afford the same brand of education for our own children.

When we believe in the right to self defense so we can protect our families from harm – the very right afforded to us under the Second Amendment? We’re called murders, unenlightened, regressive.

The list goes on. Why? Because the far left elitists assign evil motive to anyone who dares to disagree with them. They are so caught up in their superiority, so convinced only they can be right, that it makes you absolutely wrong in their eyes. No facts you relay can change their collective minds.

“But man, proud man,
Dress’d in a little brief authority,
Most ignorant of what he’s most assur’d—His glassy essence—like an angry ape
Plays such fantastic tricks before high heaven as makes the angel weep…”

—William Shakespeare

The more they can demonize and dehumanize those of a different opinion, the easier it is on their conscience to loathe us, as they soothe themselves with inane notion of their own supremacy.

Read The Full Letter:???❤???

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