
So Is It Man Made, or Isn’t It? Is The Science Really “Settled” ?

There are a lot of left wing articles online right now, that are really pushing back on the Chinese viralogist whistleblower. She says that she believes the Chinese communist government, not only created the COVID-19 coronavirus as a bio-weapon, but that they intentionally released it into the worlds population.

Lets think about that for a minute. Why would a reasonable people deliver a deadly plague unto the world? What bennifits would it have to that country? Why would they infect their own people?

These are all valid questions. Perhaps the most important answer is that first, the Chinese government has never been what you would call “reasonable.” And second, they certainly have never cared about the people that they Govern. So infecting and killing-off a large portion their own overpopulated citizenry, would not negatively effect China’s government in the least.

The communists have only ever cared about power over their people and world dominance. It is not a stretch to believe they would create, and then use, this virus, and pandemic, to enhance their hold over the Chinese people and the world-at-large.

In China, the communists initiated a “one child limit.” According to Wikipedia, it was introduced in 1979 (after a decade-long two-child policy) – modified, beginning in the mid 1980s to allow rural parents a second child if the first was a daughter. It then lasted three more decades before the government announced in late 2015 a reversion to a two-child limit.

And so, because of their wildly overpopulated country China has done anything they could to curb population growth. Even murdering female babies so that they did not grow up to have their own children.

Wikipedia states that The People’s Republic of China and its predecessors have a history of female infanticide spanning 2000 years. Female infanticide is the deliberate killing of newborn female children. In countries with a history of female infanticide, the modern practice of sex-selective abortion is often discussed as a closely related issue.

Our own country has used abortion as a form of racial birth control “Planned Parenthood” the nations largest abortion provider was founded by a known racist, Margaret Sanger, who talked about using it to control the African-American population growth. Population control is a big concern for most large superpowers because of the scarcity of resources.

Female infanticide is a major cause of concern in several nations such as China, India and Pakistan. It has been argued that the low status in which women are viewed in patriarchal societies creates a bias against females. Worldwide, infanticide has been practiced since antiquity for the purpose of population control. It is an unsanctioned method of “family planning” that has been condoned for centuries in China until recent times, (or so they claim)

So creating a virus that would seem to naturally kill off a large portion of the population, such as the elderly and the week, is not really so far fetched.

The world, led by President Trump and the United States, has recently pushed China into a corner. With crippling sancions and other punishments for their unethical behavior on the world stage. China has done everything from stealing intellectual property and unfair trade practices, to running child and slave labor sweat shops. They ignore international patents, and put American companies out of business by selling cheeper versions of their products and technology.

Through the use of Spyware built into their popular software and apps such as TikTok, (that they give freely to the world,) they are able to hack into secure networks and steal sensitive information. They are absolutely unscrupulous when it comes to world relations and business.

They have been accused of hacking into our government agencies and stealing personal files and data. Their technological spycraft is probably only second to our own. China is the biggest threat the world has ever known. Even more so than Russia or the Middle-East Countries and Terrorist Organizations. With China forming such a close relationship now with Iran, it is possible they will use iranian-backed terror groups to cause their mayhem as well. It is also possible that China and our other enemies have been working to stoke the fires of racial division and chaos that we have been seeing. They would like nothing more than to see our country fall into another civil war. This really all began with the coronavirus pamdemic.


It is absolutely possible, even probable, that China would create a biological weapon and release it against the world in an attempt to cause major economic and social instability. whether the media wants to admit it or not, we are at war with China. And there does seem to be quite a bit of evidence that the “China Virus” was created in the Wuhan Laboratory.

Tucker Carlson had a Chinese Scientist on his show who says she escaped from China and is now in hiding here in the U.S. She claims to have studied the virus, and that her and other scientists have determined that the virus was man made; and that she believes the Chinese Communist government released it intentionally. They released their findings publicly, and have been met with backlash from China and many Leftist “news” organizations here in the US. who have dismissed these claims.

Even Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, have each censored, banned, and deleted her videos and accounts; saying that their “fact” checkers have determined the information to be false.

Tell me how these tech. companies have become viral experts over night. How can they possibly understand the science behind it, well enough to say this information is false. It is more likely that they have found scientists who dissagree with the premise and have used that as “evidence” of falsehood. Once one of them writes an article about it, then they all share it back and forth in their own stories and call it evidence.

They do the same thing when it comes to their claims of “man-made climate change.” Which used to be called “Global Warming, ” until it was discovered that man wasn’t really causing it, and that the globe really wasn’t “warming” all that much. They claim that “The science is settled” on it, and if you dissagree with them, they try and ruin you, your career, and your reputation.

Scientists dissagree all of the time. That is what science is. It is all about questioning everything. Having a theory or hypothesis, doing expirements to test that theory, to get an answer to the questions we have about the world around us.

This is why it is so discouraging when we hear people and so-called “scientists” say that “the science is settled.” Science is never “settled.” That is its nature. And having someone who dissagrees with your opinion, is not “evidence” that your opinion, or your findings are false. Facebook and the others have no right to censor this information or to claim it as being false.

When we shared the Tucker Carlson video on our Facebook page, the Facebook app censored it, saying it was “sexually suggestive.” This is no longer about science, or the truth. It is now only about politics, money, and power for them.

These companies do billions of dollars worth of business in China. They have huge incentives to stand with the Chinese government, and censor anyone who speaks out against them. Or anyone who makes them look bad and loose face. These companies have great power over us because they control all communication and all of the information that we send and receive.

But it isn’t just the “Big Tech” companies pandering to the communist regime. The NBA has recently supported China when they began to retake Hong Kong. And the Hollywood elites have also chimed-in in support of China. Because they survive on their movies being released there. They have been known to edit scripts of their movies because China was unhappy with particulars in them. And several actors have come out in support of the Chinese Government in social media and elsewhere.

So with all of the pushback from China, and its propagandist allies in the media and Hollywood, here in the US; it is hard to find the truth about the genesis of the coronavirus. We may never know for sure. Below are some articles and a video pertaining to the evidence that China indeed made the coronavirus.

You can decide for yourself if you believe it or not. I happen to think that China has more to gain by denial and subterfuge, than these people do in lying about it. To me, these people have a lot more credibility than the communists do.

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Jason Haugen

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