
Social Engineering: Big Tech Censorship

We should decide for OURSELVES what we believe IS or IS NOT TRUE…NOT YOU!

#FactCheckThis ?

There is a civil war going on in our country right now, one started by the Radical Left against YOU; and many do not even understand it’s happening. The Leftists and Communist have been rioting and burning down cities while the Mainstream Media and the Big Tech companies have fanned the flames. They are banning and blocking posts, tweets and articles from conservatives, all while supporting and sometimes glorifying the political socialistic ideology of the left-wing BLM and ANTIFA.

This is Social Engineering. They want to tell you what is wrong or right, true or false, what you must believe in order to speak about it or hear about it, You must believe as they do, or they will shut you up and shout you down. They want us all thinking the exact same way; but they also want us devided, and easy to manage and control. They want us compliant, fearful and at eachothers throats. They want this anarchy and mayhem in our city streets to continue as long as possible. They want us locked in and afraid.

I saw a comment today that totally explained leftist politics – it said, “The Left wants us all to live in districts, just like they did in The Hunger Games”
That is exactly right, they want “The White’s” district, “The Black’s” district “The Poor,” “The LGBT” …etc.

And they want us all fighting against eachother. We must not let them win these Hunger Games, or that’s all we will have…Hunger.

As I write this, I am all Fired Up!? The RightWay has been slandered, called liars, publicly called out for spreading “misinformation,” blocked from speaking our minds to people who have asked for our opinions on the daily news, politics, social issues, and more. They have blocked conservative posts and articles from being shared, because they say it is “election interference” and so our political views are hushed. They alone decide who is okay for you to support in our elections, if it is the wrong candidate or point of view then it isn’t allowed. Our Facebook posts are virtually going nowhere now eventhough we have thousands of followers. Facebook’s “Fact” Checkers have determined for you who and what is truthful. Instead of allowing you to make up your own minds.

How do you feel about that?

We Think This Is A Badge Of Honor!

We assume that it is for this article that we published, https://therightway.site/so-is-it-man-made-or-isnt-it-is-the-science-really-settled/ but it doesn’t really matter, does it?

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Today Congress has called fourth the CEO’s of the world’s largests Social Media and online empires, Twitter Google and Facebook, for a short 3 hour hearing to discuss Big Tach Censorship and bias. These 3 companies control virtually all personal communications in our country. Think about that, they control the way you get your news, what opinions and views you can send or recieve and to whom.

They control almost every bit of information you get on the internet. They have zero competition and can sway our politics, social views, and even our elections and Government itself. If they want you to vote for a particular candidate or think a certain way, they can push it on you and block everything else out. And there’s not a damn thing you or anyone else can do about it.

There was a few good moments, (Videos Below) but the hearing today with Congress and the BiG 3 tech giants was kind of a joke; when it should have been one of the most important hearings of the year. Of course the Republicans scorned them for their obvious political bias and censorship, and the Leftists praised them for it.

However, the whole thing lasted maybe 3 hours, and was just to make the politicians feel better about themselves for haveing it.

As usual, nothing will be done to stop them.

We rely on Social Media to get our information out to you. We make very little money to pay our staff but if you don’t get to see us in your news feeds then that adversely affects us and our ability to continue bringing you our content. This means that the full strength of the Most Powerful Companies in the world can not just stifle our right to free speech they can stomp it out, and put us completely out of business.

But what about you as an individual? do they have the right to tell you what you are allowed to see and hear, say or even believe? Can they tell you what the TRUTH IS, whether you believe it or not? Why are they allowed to decide what is considered “hate speech”, or “misinformation?” Who are they to “fact check” you?


We have talked about this before. If they consider themselves private publishers then they do have the right to censor the information published on their platforms. They have that right because they are then ultimately responsible for that content and can be sued for what is published on it.

Or they can be free speech platforms, in which case they reciev Government protection from punishment for what someone publishes on their platforms. However then they can not infring upon the first amendment rights of their users. But they CAN NOT have it both ways. Seeking the Government’s protection while infringing on their users free speech. That is immoral, and wrong.

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Jason Haugen

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