
Socialized Medicine Would Kill Our Healthcare System

We have the finest healthcare system in the world. The highest quality, the newest and best innovations, the best equipment, drugs, and doctors on the planet, so why would you want to kill it? Socialized medicine would kill our healthcare system, and kill a lot of Americans.


When kings, Royalty, and world leaders from other countries get sick, do you know where they come to get better? That’s right, they come to the good ‘ol U.S. of A. Our doctors are the most highly trained medical superstars on the planet. People are literally dying to get here…Okay I see what I did there?; but it’s true, people from everywhere around the world come here for any major medical issues they suffer from.

“But shouldn’t it cost us U.S. citizens less money then?” you ask.

Well sure, there is a lot of waiste in our system. Just look at your next office visit or hospital stay bill, $60 dollars for a bandaid? $40 dollars for a nurse to hand you a tiny cup, with two tylonal in it, they call it something like, a “self medication” fee. Or how about $140 dollars for that “medical chart filing” fee…it’s absurd.

However, some of that money is spent on training new doctors, new-high end and top-of-the-line medical and surgical facilities. It’s also spent on research and development of new drugs and new more-effective treatments; the very things that makes our healthcare the best in the world.

But that’s what we have insurance for right? Why does it cost $800 a month for a husband and wife to have a basic health plan? Well, did you read the previous paragraphs?

That’s why!

However, among other reasons like, (you have to have it or you could die so they can charge you any amount they want to, and you will find a way to pay for it,) there are a lot of reasons and examples that our healthcare is too expensive;. There are also clear reasons why our younger, uneducated, history-deficient generation, finds Socialism so enticing.

“You mean we get the very best, and it’s free? Sign me up!”, right?

Nothing in this world, however, is actually ever FREE…Nothing.

And that’s what we need to talk with them about. As parents, as teachers and as mentors, we need to give them the facts, the statistics, the skills to think critically and logically about the world they live in, and examples from history so they can learn from our mistakes. Socialism is not glamorous, it’s not moral, and it’s not good. Socialism kills, and socialized medicine kills a lot of people. Capitalism on the other hand, has saved the lives of hundreds of millions and brought more people up out of poverty than any other econimic system ever devised in the history of the world.

With socialized or “single payer” healthcare systems, the wait times to see a specialist or get that life saving test, like an MRI or CT scan, ends up so long that people can actually die before getting diagnosed or treated. A few years ago, Canada had only 6 CT machines in their entire country; it was taking people up to a year on a waiting list just to get in to take their test.

People who are extremely sick, from the U.S. are not crossing the northern boarder into Canada to get medical attention, it just doesn’t happen, but Canadians and people from everywhere are absolutely coming here. And they come to get the very best helthcare in the world. The Quality of care here in the United States, is umatched, and that’s because of free-market capitalism, and privitized healthcare.

The other scary part about Socilized Medicine is the fact that with it, comes government control over your healthcare decisions. Decisions that should be left up to you and your doctor, would inevitably become the Government’s decisions. Are you really ready to give the power you have, over your life and death, to the Government?

These people bankrupt and destroy everything they have ever been in charge of; and you want them to choose what medical treatments are best for you, or your children? Really? You want them to choose whether or not “to pull th plug” on your loved one or if you yourself should remain on that expensive life support machine? Or how about whether or not your child gets the latest cancer treatment? Why would we give the government that much power over our lives?

Giving beaurocrats the power over your healthcare, makes them in charge of deciding weather or not you get things like back surgery, or dialysis, or an organ transplant. They decide what conditions make you deserving of any treatment you may need.

That is how it is right now in the U.K. They strongly restrict things like knee and hip replacements, cataract surgery and access to certain medicines to treat conditions like arthritis and others. Even wait times in the Emergency Rooms there are up to 12 hours. The U.K’s National Health Service (NHS) is in crisis, they have limited resources, limited Doctors & support staff; their system is collapsing under the preasure of its own weight.

Is that what we want here in the U.S. for our family’s healthcare?

Just look what the New York Times found when they looked into the United Kingdom’s NHS.


In several emergency wards across the country, patients are having to wait more than 12 hours before they are tended to by a health professional. Hospital corridors are brimming with patients waiting for wards to be freed up, and nonurgent cases are being referred to pharmacies or general practitioners.

LONDON — A day after denying that the National Health Service was facing a crisis, Prime Minister Theresa May of Britain apologized on Thursday for delays throughout the health care agency as it scrambled to cope with a particularly difficult winter season.

“I know it’s difficult, I know it’s frustrating, I know it’s disappointing for people, and I apologize,” she said in a television interview after being asked if she would be happy if a relative were put through the delays that patients were facing.

New York Times- January 4th 2018

At least it’s free though, right? Well not exactly. The “Healthcare For All” program, that Admitted Socialist Bernie Sanders purposed, would cost US tax payers an estimated $32.6 Billion, with a “B”, over a 10 year term, according to the mercatus study by Charles Blahous. That is up and above what the Government already spends today on healthcare. That is absolutly insane. Again, nothing in this world is ever really free.

Here is what he said about how we could possibly pay for such a program: ???❤???

Canada’s Single payer healthcare system took up about 46% of their entire budget in 2010. By 2030 it is projected to take up as much as 80%, it is unsustainable, and we cannot afford to do the same thing here.

We need to keep our healthcare private, not controlled by beaurocrats in Washington DC. We need to ensure that we continue to get the treatments we need, the very best treatments, and get them, when we need them. We need doctors, and pharmaceutical companies, to continue to invent and innovate to find new treatments, new medical devices and effective drugs to cure disease. We need to keep our own hard earned money and have the choice to choose what medical plan is right for ourselves and have the choice of when, where and how we are treated

We cannot afford socialized, single payer, national healthcare. Socialism kills, no matter if you put the word “democratic” in front of it, or not.

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Jason Haugen

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