
Stop The Madness; #VoteRed2020

Conservatives won a massive upset victory in the 2016 election. They were out in force to make sure that Hillary and the Corrupt Clinton Cartel did not get into the most powerful position on the planet, the White House.

There was a movement that Trump had started, from the forgotten men and women, who had been left behind over the 8 years of the Obama administration. Everyone on the Democrat side of the aisle, just knew that Hillary was the defacto victor, that it was already decided. She was going to be the First Woman President of The United States. And then, it came to the night of the election, and they all ended up absolutely devastated.

We know now from reports, documents, leaks, and yes, even investigations, that the Clinton-run DNC, the Obama Justice Department, The CIA and the FBI, all colluded to keep Trump from even being the nominee. From the day he came down the escalator at Trump Tower, and announced that he was running for President of The United States, they have been out to get Trump.

Throughout the electiom campaign, he had been talking about “Draining The Swamp” and that made a lot of powerful people extremely nervous. The Hillary campaign hired a company “Fusion GPS” to gather opposition research or “dirt” on Trump and his campaign. And so Fusion GPS who had toes to the DNC and the FBI, hired an ex-British intel agent (previously fired from being an FBI asset) who enlisted Russian intelligence agents to gatherthat dirt on Trump. Christopher Steele was that agent and after he got the info from the Russians, he wrote a proven false, salacious, and unverified dossier about Donald Trump. None of which was true…

???❤??? Read more about this in our report here: https://therightway.site/proof-of-the-real-russian-collusion-the-fbi-dnc-the-currupt-clinton-cartel-doj-fusion-gpschristopher-steele-the-russians/

From day one, they used the full power of the Federal Government to spy on, investigate, and try and take down Trump by any means necessary…

They used Hollywood, our Educational Institutions, Far-Left Activist Organizations, Paid Protesters, Members of Congress and their allies in the Media, to smear his name, and push the Russian Collusion Conspiracy theory. They made him out to be a Racist, a Russian Spy, and anything else they could think of to attack him with,

and it completely backfired on them: ???❤???

And the Democrats absolutely lost their minds afterwards. And so begun their by-any-means-nessisary mission, to start what they called “The Resistance” what we have uncovered and reported as “The Deep State.”

We saw it coming when no one else did. It was an attempted political coup, that would try for the next two and a half years to overthrow the Government and Overtun the Presidency of a duly elected President; Erasing the votes of 63 million voters.

After the 2016 election, all of us on the conservative side, laughed and mocked our rivals and their reactions to our sweet victory:


And we expected the country to move forward with Donald Trump at the helm. After all, our country is known around the world for how well the peaceful transition of power works when we elect a new leader in our Country. So we thought it would be relatively peaceful, that is at least, for the next two years…

…but that’s not at all what happened this time.

The Left moved into overdrive with their attacks, on not just President Trump, but anyone conmected to him, and worset of all, his supporters, those of us, affectionately referred to, as “diplorables”

From the Social Media, and the Mainstream Media, to Members of Congress, and others, they began to attack and harrass, and even call for violence against Trump Supporters. And the “Call to Action” was answerd over and over again.

Everything from screaming in the faces of Republicans as they have dinner out with their families, to large, angry groups of activists, going to the homes of prominent Conservative Voices such as Tucker Carlson and others. They have attacked free speech, by setting up riots at college campuses to keep Conservatives from speaking. And attacking adults and children alike for wearing the now famous Red MAGA Hats. The left is simply Out of Control!

Organizations like the Black Lives Matter (BLM) Movement and the annual Women’s March, have been infiltrated by far-left activists, paid for by the likes of billionaire George Soros. Then there are groups like ANTIFA (Anti-Fascists) who seem to act more like fascists themselves, than those they attack. They have even been named as a domestic terrorist group by the US homeland Security and the Justice Departments.

Take a look at our reporting on this:???❤???

So then we came to the 2018 midterm elections, understandably confident, especially after our victories in 2016. So confident that they would win the House and Senate, that a lot of those lost and forgotten voters just stayed home, and the Republicans lost control of the House of Representatives.

We began seeing representatives get elected who were both Anti-Semitic, and scandal ridden Muslims. We saw a bartender get elected congresswoman, who is openly proud of being a socialist. And the first thing these newcomers did, was to say they would work with veteran congress people to impeach Trump.

After a 10 month investigation into Trump/Russia Collusion fell through without any proof, the head of the FBI, James Comey, (who was in charge of more than 38,000 people at the bureau), and whose team was mostly filled with Trump-Hating Democrats, leaked classified memos to a professor friend of his to leak it to the media. All in hopes that a special council investigation would be started…

…and it was.

For the next two years the Media helped the DNC to smear the President, they called him a traitor, an illegitimate President, a Russian spy and worse. Adam Schiff even went on multiple news channels to say that he had “more than circumstantial evidence” of the president’s guilt of being a Russian asset…

…he didn’t.

After the Special Council investigation turned up absolutely no evidence of Russian Collusion, and the Attorney General found evidence that the original FBI investigation had began with lies and deceit, the Democrat’s dreams of taking down the President were beginning to fade. And so, they had to come up with something, a last ditch effort, to get Trump out of office…impeachment. As one Law maker stated, “we have to impeach Trump, or he will most likely be re elected.

And then the entire Ukraine phone call, whistleblower, impeachment hoax was born:


So now, the house, completely controlled by the Democrats, went through a politically biased partisan impeachment inquiry, where they have now voted to impeach the President…

…and eventhough the entire process was unprecedented, there was nothing the Republicans could do to stop the sham inquiry.

We are less than 11 months now, from the 2020 election. Where we once again will be able to re-elect Trump for 4 more years. We will have another chance to protect him from the Democrats, wasting tax payer dollars, and pressious time they could be using to legislate important issues for the American People, from continuing to do everything they can think of, to get their power back.

But will we again be cocky and over confident? Will Conservatives falsely believe that we will regain control of the house and re-elect our President? Will too many of us stay home and not vote once again…

…or will you fight?

We Must Get Out and Vote Red in 2020, for the good of the nation and the future of our children. WE CANNOT GIVE THE DEMOCRATS ANY MORE POWER…

…ITS UP TO YOU! #VoteRed2020

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Jason Haugen

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