
Didn’t She Say, We Must Believe All Accusers? So Wy Support Biden?

Hillary Clinton Said "Any Woman Who Reports An Assault Should Be Heard And Believed" so why on earth would she…

4 years ago

WATCH- The True Story: FBI Whistleblower on cover-up to protect Currupt Clinton Cartel

This is a pretty incredible story from this man Nate Cane. Why is this not on every front page in…

5 years ago

Come On, Drain The Swamp Already!

Donald John Trump ran on a clearly stated platform of “draining the swamp.” For anyone who has not been paying…

5 years ago


The depths to which these disingenuous progressives will stoop to are remarkable. But Progressives? I misstate. They've become entrenched "Alinskyite"…

5 years ago


Election meddling? Or, Draining The Swamp? Did President Trump ask Ukraine’s President to investigate the firing of Ukraine’s Prosecutor General…

5 years ago