From the Page.

The Big Lie: Another Plague of Systematic Dehumanization

There have been times throughout history when large numbers of the population decided that certain other human beings were property, less than, and/or not even human at all, allowing the MURDER and/or ABUSE of whichever innocent group of people they deemed as less, because such people had been completely dehumanized in the eyes of a cold-hearted and self-centered society.

Such killings and tortures were not considered or treated as murder or abuse because the general consensus was that some people are less than others based on DNA or some other ridiculous measure!!!

It seems we – as a people – can never stray long from such atrocities. We are doing the same today with our unborn! They’ve been completely dehumanized by the left.

Fifty years ago, you didn’t hear a woman say: “I’m pregnant with a fetus!” They were pregnant with a baby! Now, because a pregnancy could be an inconvenience, they’ve stopped calling them “babies,” in an attempt to rob the unborn of their human status and with one goal in mind: to justify murder.

Just a few decades ago, when an OB doctor announced the results of an ultrasound to the mother, he or she would say “your child has a strong heartbeat,”

or “the baby is doing fine.” Now, this tiny human is almost always referred to as a “fetus,” and it’s said in a way to let the mother decide if the precious and unique child growing and thriving inside her is a human being, or just an inconvenient cluster of cells to be destroyed.

The dehumanization of our unborn has become pandemic. And if you dare stand against it, there are those who now have the unmitigated gall to declare your stand against murder is a stand against the rights of women! You’ll be hated by the crazed pro-murder generation of parents and others who think it’s a human right to take ALL rights away from an unborn, innocent child.

Now, when a woman gets pregnant, she has a “fetus” growing inside of her, and the child can be treated and labeled as if it’s not a human being at all; rather, some invasive growth to be neutralized.

Many of our youth have become completely indoctrinated with this belief, and are taught this fiction as fact. They actually become enraged if you tell them otherwise.

If not for those who rose up and fought against the many dehumanizations that have gone on throughout history – be it a world war before and during which millions of Jewish people were systematically and senselessly slaughtered for no other reason than their DNA/religious beliefs;

or our US Civil War, to stop the practice wherein anyone deemed a slave (black, white or brown) was considered property and could therefore be treated as a stray or rabid dog or worse…

…or a time when women had no rights whatsoever and were considered as being less than men and little more than the “property” of her husband.

– if not for those of strong moral conscience who boldly stood up against the socially accepted evils of yesterday, demanding, “No more,” those past atrocities may have continued to this day.

By standing up against such immoral practices, it was their time to shine for a better tomorrow. Now, it’s our time to do the same.

So Keep Fighting…Our future, and our future generations, depend on it.

Image from, “Students for Life” Website.

Jae Eubanks

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