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The Chinese Threat

A few years ago I worked for a company that manufactured the Powerski Jetboards I managed all of their IT computer network and international shipping. 

I loved it, these are 45 horsepower 333cc jet powered surfboards. The brainchild of inventor/surfing champion Bob Montgomery. They are capable of going 40mph on the water.

We built  and shipped these boards all over the world; Israel, Jordan, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, all over the UAE, Brazil and many more countries. Each one selling for around $10,000.

Every day after work, and every weekend, you could find me out at the lake cruising around on one, or on the jet powered kyak that was invented by one of the guys in the factory. Best summers of my life. 

A couple years  after the factory opened, we got word that China had ignored all of the company’s international patents, stolen the board’s blue prints, and had begun building and selling our jetboards. Well their version of our boards anyway.

A less durable version, made with cheaper materials. And they must have been using old blue prints, because they had not fixed any of the little quirks that our guys had found and fixed over the last several years of building and testing them. 

We know because we ordered one from China’s Alibaba website 

They sold each of theirs for less money than we could build one for here in the United States, and it killed the factory and put a lot of great people out of work.

This was a fairly small factory with little impact on the overall economy of the US, but China has done this to many of our companies by stealing our technology and intellectual property. They have been warned by Trump and they haven’t stopped yet. This is a real and imminent threat.

President Trump has been talking about the threat from China for several years even before he won the election. 

So  what are we supposed to do as a country to keep our property and our jobs here in the USA? Trump has threatened them with tariffs and other sanctions. That will hopefully make them think twice about continuing their theft. 

Talk of tariffs though, has the President’s critics on both sides of the political aisle outraged. But if we don’t do something about China soon, they will destroy our economy. 

No one wants a trade war. But the President understands that when you are dealing with a country such as China, who only respects strong conviction from powerful leaders, you must start your negotiations from an even more powerful position .

China has not only stolen  property from our companies, but they have engaged in some of the most hostile forms of cyber warfare on the planet. Far more than Russia or any other country.

As the Wall Street Journal reported, the United States has been tracking down and charging Chinese Hackers,  but this is comon practice for the Chinese Government who is constantly and actively hiring these cyber terrorists to not only steal from us, but to disrupt any part of our economy that they can.

This is how they are planning to overtake the US in economic superiority and they also want to box us in militarily. To them, they are at war with us, and this is just another front in that war. 

And they aren’t the only ones. The US-CERT (United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team) put out an alert in October, stating that there were Several Nation State “actors” activly attempting to infiltrate the networks of global managed service providers; for the purposes of cyber espionage and intellectual property theft.

Something must be done to discourage Governments of countries like China from attacking us. In my opinion, just as we would if our homeland was bombed by enemy planes, we need to consider these attacks an act of war.

Maybe it’s a good thing that I am not the President…and a very good thing that we have such an intelligent business man as our Negotiator-in-Chief.

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Jason Haugen

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