
The Left: “We Should All Be Nicer To People We dissagree with.” ?…Really?!?

Have you noticed that there is a push in the last several days, to have left leaning people in Hollywood, News, TV and Social Media come out and talk about how important it is to get along with those who you don’t agree with?

Today, we saw Ellen DeGeneres comeout with a video, about this picture of her at the Cowboys game with George W Bush…her big moral of the story, “she has a lot of friends she disagrees with politically, and yet she is nice to them” and says “She is nice to everyone”…isn’t that so nice?

Then tonight the end of the New Amsterdam movie, basically made the exact same pont…there has been example after example over the last couple days, at first I thought it was really refreshing hearing that, especially since those on the right have been getting not the short of of the stick, when it comes to how we’re treates, but we get hit woth the whole damn stick. And it been that way since even beforw the 2016 election…

…but now, it seems more like an agenda, because, everyone is doing it lately. I don’t fully understand why yet, but i will. It could be that “the powers that be” are aftaid that their devision that they have caused in our country, may actually have gone too far, and may be leading us to civil war. It could be so that the Left’s camdidates can point to this and say, “See, look how accepting we ome the left are, we like everyone; even if it’s those Nasty Conservatives, we’re nice to everyone, and we said so.”

Either way, on one hand I hope that the people saying it, will actually live up to it…but i have a feeling it is just politically advantageous to say you should be nice to those you don’t agree with…

…that’s how we should all strive to be anyway.

Take a look at the Ellen video and then the “Mma on the Street” part after her comments…every person in NY said they would never be friends with a Republican…because The ledt has done such a great job at converting gullible people that the Republicans are Bad, Racist, Closed Minded, Homophobic, islamophobic, redneck diplorables…???❤???

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Jason Haugen

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