Categories: From the Page.

The Right Way vs. The Wrong Way

We hire our government officials (by vote) to represent us, the American citizens, to do what is in our best interest. They are paid a nice salary with our tax dollars and use our tax dollars by the billions to fund projects and keep this country moving forward.

At least, that’s what they are supposed to do.

Instead, our tax dollars are now going to fund illegal aliens in sanctuary cities and states.

A sanctuary city isn’t about protecting someone who only crossed our border illegally or simply overstayed a visa. They are there to protect the ones who also committed other crimes after they got here. They are there to keep ICE from deporting illegal aliens, many of whom go on to commit other crimes against America and her people.

Instead of turning these criminals over to ICE, they turn them right back out on the streets where they can rob another store, pick another pocket, kill an innocent American.

Our tax dollars are paying for food, education, housing, medical expenses and even legal/attorney fees for criminals – illegal aliens who have committed crimes against American citizens, and are then shielded by these leftist government officials, using our tax dollars!

How many hours does the average American work each week so that these corrupt politicians can use that hard-earned money to protect a criminal who robbed an American business, or drove drunk and plowed into some innocent high school kid on his way to the bus stop?

How many purse snatchers and drug dealers and child traffickers are being protected by the American worker’s tax dollars?

How many American homeless do without the basic necessities, sleeping under tarps and cardboard boxes on the streets of Los Angeles while we house and feed and shelter from the cold and rain those who defy our laws and borders?

The behavior I’m seeing these days from the left would be akin to a Walmart CEO marketing and promoting on behalf of Costco, and saying to hell with Walmart customers and Walmart investors.

It makes no sense.

It’s betrayal of the first order.

And yet we sit back and watch this behavior time and again.

Such a CEO would be fired on the spot. And yet these cretins are repeatedly voted right back into office.

By whom?

Obviously by those brainwashed by the leftist news media, and/or corrupted by the leftist propaganda now taught in our schools.

Does it make any sense that those same politicians who are suddenly opposed to a border wall, were previously for a border wall.

So what’s changed?

The fact that our president – a man who they loathe – has made this border wall part of his platform. That’s the only thing that’s changed.

And certain government officials would rather watch the entire country go down in flames than let President Trump do the job we hired him to do.

In the past, such a platform promise would be considered a mandate. President Trump ran on this. We, The People voted him into office because we obviously want better border security.

And yet, there stands Pelosi and Schumer, acting like petulant five-year-olds – both of whom would rather our government shut down, and they sit back while American citizens are literally being murdered by illegal aliens, because anything else might give our president and those who voted for him (as well as many who didn’t vote for him) a win.

It’s obstruction at its worst.

A CEO who betrays his company would be fired immediately. But those two clowns – Pelosi and Schumer – have betrayed us all They’ve betrayed the very people they had sworn to represent.

And sadly, the press, whose express purpose is to shed light on this type of corruption, instead gives those who betray America a free pass.


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Jae Eubanks

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