
The Russians Were Fooled Into Communism & Now It’s Coming For Us

Communism in Russia began in February 1917 with “The February Revolution”, (sometimes called the “March” Revolution.) You see, the dates of the revolution were from march 8th through the 15th. However in OS dating, (or Original Style, before everyone stopped using the Roman calendar and switched instead to the New Georgian Calendar,) the dates were actually February 23rd to march 3rd so they called it the February Revolution.

There were actually two different Russian Revolutions but the February Revolution, first opened the door to Communism in Russia.

So how did it come to pass? How did such intelligent people allow themselves to become slaves to Communism? A system that almost annihilated a proud and beautiful country?

Well, Nicholas II or Nikolai II Alexandrovich Romanov, ruled from 1868 to 1918. He was known in the Russian Orthodox Church as Saint Nicholas the Passion-Bearer. He was the last Emperor of Russia. Here in the US we migh think that communism sounds a heck of a lot better than having an emperor…and that may be true, that’s in fact how the Russians probably felt too. But just because you get the lesser of two evils doesn’t turn the one you choose, into anything less evil.

The Last Emperor enacted the first Civil Liberties in Russia. Civil liberties are guarantees and freedoms that governments commit not to abridge, either by legislation or judicial interpretation without due process. Just like our bill of rights in our constitution for example. But I have a feeling that these Russian civil Liberties were probably a lot less “civil” in those days with a lot less “Liberty” included in them.

He also added literacy programs, state representation, new infrastructure construction, industrialization and rebuilding of the military after its disastrous defeat in the Russian – Japanese war in 1904 to 1905. So why were the people so unhappy? Especially after the Emperor had begun to finally listen to them and give in to so many of their demands?

So why? Why did they rebell?

One big reason, was the way he was being portrayed by the intellectuals and the press of the time. He was reviled by Soviet historians, and was called incompetent. They said he was mentally deficient, and called him feeble-minded. State propaganda told the people that it was his decisions that had led to many of the Russian defeats by their enemies, and the deaths of millions of his subjects.

World War I had caused an insurmountable strain on the weak government and economy in Russia; that led to mass famine and shortages of necessities. The war was mismanaged and those failures turned the people, and more importantly the soldiers, against “Saint Nicholas.”

His poor decision to take personal command of the army made him personally responsible for all of their losses. On February 25th 1917, citywide strikes arose in Petrograd and several dozen demonstrators were killed by troops who were sent to quell the rioting. When the crowds became hostile and defiant, the soldiers had to finally decide which side they were acctually on. And when the situation became critical, the soldiers refused to work for the Tsar any longer . The next day, The Army abandoned the Tsar, and the soldiers stopped fighting the people and refused to stop the riots all together. By the 27th, the workers were in control of the entire city.

So even though he tried vigorously to make the country better for its people and loosen the reigns of Government over them, the people were suffering and there seemed to be an active campaign to disparage, discredit and degrade him in the eyes of the people. Sound familiar?

It should!

Saint Nicholas had given his support to all of the new economic and political reforms that his top advisors had been promoting. However, powerful aristocratic people who opposed him, prevented all of his reforms from becoming fully effective…again, this sounds a little bit familiar, no?

He supported modernization based on foreign loans. Especially with his close association with France. But what really set these aristocrats off was his resistance to giving the new parliament (the Duma it was called) any real or major roles. That took away any credit or glory of achievement from them; and in those days, things like that mattered in order to keep power. It was just as much about reputation and popularity as it was about having royal blood.

And so, the Russian propaganda machine was unleashed against the Emperor, and turned up to maximum. The people were tired of promises that were broken, and the failed costly wars, that were all blamed on Nicholas…and he eventually lost his power.

Afterward, A provisional Government led by his opposition, took over after they successfully ousted the last emperor of Russia, but the propaganda was too effective and some of the people formed a group called the Bolsheviks, who refused to recognize the new government and so they again revolted.


In October of 1917 the leader of the Bolsheviks, Vladimir Lenin became the new leader of Russia. He and the Bolsheviks formed a new Government. It was called The Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, or the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (The U.S.S.R.)

And there in began, the Russian Civil War, between the revolutionary Reds and the counter-revolutionary Whites. In 1922 the Communist Reds were victorious and they formed the Soviet Union, turning Russia communist.

If the Whites had won, over the Reds. The world might have been a very different place right now. But who can say for sure, what might have been, especially during WWI and WWII when they were our allies.

Lookin back now on this history however, gives us a clear focused view into our near future.
Our President is being ambushed and bombarded by his opposition without refrain. His intellect being challenged, his choices and policies attacked at every turn. And we sometimes seem to be on the verge of civil war. No matter how much he tries to make our country great again, he is pummeled by the propaganda of his rivals.

They long for revolution, they openly call for it day in and day out. They scheme against him in dark, smoke filled rooms, and openly with their allies in the media. They have succeeded in raising an army of socialist leftists who follow their every command.

Listen to this old video of KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov’s warning to America from 1984. He talks about how the communists instructed the KGB to try and recruit people on the left. To try and infiltrate Academia, The Media, Hollywood…etc. it is hard to listen to his words from back then and not see that exact story playing out in our world today.

The Left has been planning riots and civil disobedience in hopes of bringing their revolution to fruition. But like the Reds of the Russian revolution they are unaware of the true consequences of their actions…or maybe they are aware and just do not care. Because when the people are suffering then they are more willing to ask the Government to save them. They are more easily controlled.

The leftists are not freeing the people, they are looking for the enslavement of the people. By an all powerful Government and its unrelenting overseers.

You see, in order to keep Socialism alive it must inevitably become totalitarian and communistic.
Russia discovered this when Lenin died, and there was an enormous power vacume, in which Joseph Stalin came to power. How do you suppose he got his victory? You can bet it wasn’t without a bit of bloodshed.

Stalin was the leader of the Communist Party until 1953. They still have statues of him all over Russia. But he really was NO Hero. He encouraged political paranoia and conducted the Great Purge to remove opponents of his dominance. This is why the left tries to shout down anyone who dissagrees with them. This is why they attack conservatives, both physically and socially, anywhere we live, work, or speak. They need to stop us at all cost. And, like the leftists of today, for Stalin the ends always justified the means.

Stalins Great Purge, or the Great Terror as it is sometimes known, was a campaign of political oppression. It only lasted for two years, between 1936 and 1938. It involved a large-scale repression of wealthy peasants, (it seems strange to think of wealthy people as peasants but in this case they were the powerful aristocrats who apposed Stalin and were not of royal blood…they were wealthy “Peasants”)

In order to keep the power that Stalin had siezed for himself, he used genocide of ethnic minorities; he purged dissidents within the Communist Party. He killed government officials, the leadership of the Red Army…and anyone who opposed him and his Government, were removed from existence.

He was ruthless.

There was widespread police surveillance, suspicion of saboteurs and counter-revolutionaries, imprisonment, and arbitrary executions.
Historians figure that the total number of deaths due to Stalinist repression, in a single year from 1937 to 1938, is between 680,000 and 1.2 million people.

But that could never happen here right? That’s what “They” say isn’t it?

Well, the only way to take power away from the people is to take away their ability to defend themselves. In our case, “The Right to Keep and Bear Arms.”

But they’ve never come out and said that they want to take our guns away, have they?
just listen to Creepy Uncle Joe and Beto talking about how they ARE COMING FOR YOUR GUNS!

Next they would need to remove civil police officers who have sworn to uphold and protect the people and the constitution…

But they wouldn’ dare, would they?

Who in their right mind would allow them to defund and remove the police? In order to accomplish something like that; they would have to use their propaganda machine again to discredit and disparage the police, to turn them into “the enemy.“

Just think about how many times in the last few months that you have seen a TV commercial glorifying the BLM movement. Huge companies with even larger advertising budgets like Nike, and even the NFL have gotten in on the “Black Lives Matter” action. And how many times lately have you seen Facebook posts about how awful Law Enforcment’s racism is. They say “we need to get rid of the police because of systemic racism accross the country.”

The leftists have infiltrated every platform that we Americans use to communicate. From where we get our news and our entertainment, to the way our children are being indoctrinated on our college campuses.

The left is pushing hard to discredit our police, and pushing their devisive agenda onto the masses.

They know that in order to take over the country, they have to start a national campaign of mistrust. They would also have to devide and separate all of the people who are not blindly following their lead. They would have to convince their followers to use any means necessary even violence to get rid of anyone’s voice who opposed them.

They would have to “purge” the dissidents from the population in order to usher in that utter “utopia” that they have promised their followers. Just imagine if people like that ever rose to power. Well, you don’t have to, you can look back at what happened to the Russian people under the ruthless communist regime. Who was able to gain control over one of the mightiest superpowers the world had ever known.

It’s time, it’s happening right now, in our country. We have been asleep at the wheel of our harvestor, and we’ve allowed this dangerous weed to sprout and take root right under our noses. This has been a long time coming, a careful and patient plan, to undermine everything that we believe in as Americans…and everything that we stand for. It’s not just on its way…

…its here.

We need to stand up as American patriots and not allow our country to fall into darkness. There has never been a more important time in our history. We stand at the precipice of either our greatest triumph or our most miserable defeat. It has never been more necessary than it is right now for us to stand together united for the common good of our nation. She has been invaded by radicals and she is crying out in pain. We can still save our country from the evil within. We must win…our future depends on it.

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