From the Page.

They Are Coming After Me; Comedian Recieves Death Threats from Leftists and Harrassed by Facebook

Twitter; Terrence K Williams

Comedian Terrence K Williams is fearful for his life, after he recieved multiple death threats from leftists on Twitter for making a joke that connected the Corrupt Clinton Cartel and the death of pimp and pedophile Jeffrey Epstein.

Facebook has also begun an harassment campaign against him by sending fact-checkers to his page and flagging his facebook page and website as “Fake News,” telling Users to go to his sight and report anything that is Fake News…?

He’s a Comedian…most of everything he says is fake…that’s what comedy is people.

As he says in his Video…”I have never heard anyone Fact-Checking a Joke…It’s a Joke!”

But the seriousness of this is no joke. As you will see in his video below, he goes through and reads some of the threats he has recieved, he is terrified for his life. This is not funny.

As we have written many times in the past, the left in our country have become unhinged. They will do whatever it takes to take down Trump, his supporters, and anyone on the right that they dissagree with. And they will do it violently if they feel they need to.

Below is a video of Maxine Waters. As reported by Real Clear Politics:

Real Clear Politics: Maxine Waters

“Rep. Maxine Waters claimed the favor of the Almighty during a speech at a Capitol Hill “Keep Families Together” rally on Saturday. She said cabinet members and highly visible Trump enablers should expect harassment at restaurants, gas stations, shopping places, and even their homes…”

They will steal, harrass, attack, and bully anyone who does not aline themselves with the new leftist idea of their liberal Utopia; A Socialist Wonderland where the Government reigns supreme above individual rights, and there is no liberty, but social justice for all.

These Catholic Highschool teens even got death threats over a highly edited video and social media post. After new raw footage came out and told a very different story, the maimstream media and leftists on social media, still pushed the false narrative and harrassed these kids.

Here are a few more stories from The RightWay that show there is an open war on conservatives and Free Speech, they don’t want to listen, they don’t want to debate…they want to shut you down by any means necessary:


Tell is what you think about all of this in the comments section.?

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Jason Haugen

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