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Covington Catholic High School Teen, Nick Sandman

☆~Updated~☆ Washington Post settles $250 million lawsuit with Covington teen Nick Sandmann CNN has also settled their case agaimst them.

Who decided that it’s racist or bigoted to wear a MAGA hat?
I didn’t…
At least half of America doesn’t see it that way…
Probably an overwhelming majority of US citizens, including most level-headed democrats, don’t see it that way.
But now, in the spirit of fair play, maybe it’s time to finally declare that the Democrat party (the party of slavery) is racist. It’ll be our turn to be offended. We’ll be offended anytime we see a racist Democrat hat or bumper sticker. Or a racist Democrat poster or logo on a shirt.
It doesn’t need to be actual racist words on your hats, since the nation now knows that the Democrat party is racist, and therefore anything promoting the Democrat party is likewise promoting racism. Right?
Now that I’ve made that important decision for the entire nation, do I have free license to key a car sporting a faded racist Hillary 2016 bumper sticker? You know what I mean…the same way our cars were vandalized for having a Trump 2016 sticker?
Or threaten the owner? Maybe threaten the owner’s family? You guys are great at threatening families of those you disagree with. Or what about threatening their place of employment? The same way that you’ve done to us?
How about threatening their schools? That must sound sensible, since you are the reason that the Covington Catholic High School had to shut down this week due to safety concerns after your numerous threats.
Turnabout is fair play, yes?
Do you seriously want us to turn it around as I’ve outlined above?
Because we can.
We have the numbers.
We have the liberal terrorist playbook all but memorized, having watched you do it to us repeatedly over the years.
But alas, you know it won’t happen. Unlike you, we’re not a pack of whinny little Nazis who are offended by anything and everything we disagree with. And yes, I do mean Nazis. Contrary to the revised history liberal teachers now feed our children in today’s schools and the lies spewed on the MSM, Hitler and his Nazis were “Socialists.” This is a well-known fact. Socialists are far left – not far right. Look it up. I’ll wait…
One reason you know we won’t treat you as unkindly as you’ve treated us and our children, is that, unlike you, we promote free speech and the other Amendments our forefathers provided in The U.S. Constitution.  
Since you know this about us, you may think the ball is in your court, as you keep playing the same sick game, always making and changing the rules as you go along, with you deciding what we can wear and what we can say, getting away with it as you now stoop so low as to threaten our children, mock our beliefs, and act like a bunch of wild animals…then have the audacity to blame your obnoxious behavior on us.
Because of a hat!
Imagine if we played the same game that you do. We could start making ridiculous rules as to what hats you may wear or what bumper stickers are allowed in public view. Then, use the very threats and intimidation techniques invented by your liberal mob mentality, pushing and threatening you to abide by our rules as you have done to us.
If we were so inclined to treat you as you’ve treated us, we could make you fearful of wearing anything we didn’t like. Call you names. Maybe get you fired from your jobs. Expelled from your schools. We could ruin the lives of innocent people. Because hey, Democrats are racist – the party of slavery. I just declared it, so it must be true! And if that’s not enough, go look it up in the history books. The proof of the democrat’s fight to keep slavery alive is right there in black and white. 
Knowing how racist your party is, doesn’t that, by your own standards, give us the right to virtually destroy you? All of you? Any time you and your racist party offends our sensibilities by willfully and deliberately wearing a known “trigger,” like a certain kind of hat? It is you, after all, provoking me with that hat you’re wearing, right? It can’t possibly be my fault if I attack you for wearing it, right?
We could do all that, just as you have done it to us. But we haven’t. And we won’t. You know we won’t, because that kind of behavior is supposed to be unacceptable to a civilized people.
As the video of the Covington Catholic High School kids proved, even conservative “children” show more restraint and decorum than you.
You probably hate us for that too, but we don’t care.

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Jae Eubanks

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