There are so many leftist social media posts going around indicating COVID-19 may be the nail in the coffin of Trump’s presidency.  

I don’t buy it. His handling of this pandemic has made me proud to be an American and proud of my president. 

Those in government and in the news media who labeled Trump a racist due to his COVID travel ban, calling Trump a xenophobe, trying to convince the world that Trump had jumped the gun when Trump turned off the influx of visitors from COVID infected countries…THOSE leftist totally reversed their positions later, and now insist Trump waited too long to protect America from this deadly pandemic, and he must be blamed. 

It can’t be both.

He can’t have jumped the gun AND waited too long—a strategy that proves our leftist news media and democrat leaders have little foresight and are simply armchair quarterbacks.

So let’s revisit the timeline of events relating to our president: 

From November through December of 2019, House Democrats launched an impeachment investigation against President Trump. 

On December 18, 2019, The US House of Representatives approved the Articles of Impeachment against US President Donald J Trump, setting way for an impeachment hearing. 

On December 31, 2019, during the impeachment inquiry, reports emerged from China regarding an outbreak of respiratory illnesses in Wuhan.

January 6, 2020, the CDC issued a travel warning for Americans to take precautions when traveling to that area.

January 15, 2020, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi signed the articles of impeachment (remember her delight and platter of golden pens?) 


On January 16, 2020, the CDC stated they would begin screening passengers coming from Wuhan.

January 21, 2020, in the State of Washington, our first US case of COVID-19 was confirmed (a traveler who had visited China). 

The following day, Trump held a news conference to alert us to the situation while also trying to keep our panic at bay, expertly managing that thin line between alerting the public and keeping panic minimized.

One week later, as Pelosi and friends were soaring from the thrill of impeachment, Trump’s Coronavirus Task Force was formed.

While the House Democrats tried everything in their power to take down our president, he was working for the American people.

 For free.

On January 31, 2020, President Trump announced a ban on flights coming from China. 

As a result, we had several well know democrat leaders crying “racist!” Presidential hopefuls Biden and Sanders each took a jab at labeling the travel ban as xenophobic.

Anyone with even a modicum of reasoning power would take this to mean that, had any one of those democrat “leaders” been in charge at the time, flights from China would have continued pouring into the USA daily.  For how long? Thankfully, we will never know.

On February 24, 2020, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited San Francisco’s Chinatown to send a message, telling us it was safe to visit.

On March 11, 2020, the same day WHO declared COVID-19 a pandemic,  President Trump expanded his travel ban to include flights from Europe, taking the necessary precautions while still attempting to ease the fears of the American people.

March 13, 2020, President Trump declared a national emergency, which released $5billion in funding to aid the American people and fight this virus. 

Think about this for a moment: A US President’s job isn’t only to warn us about a potential danger and act upon it when necessary, but to keep the American people from panic and mass hysteria

A balance must be maintained, or the country could easily plunge into madness. 

We’ve all seen what such panic can do. From finding no toilet paper in stores when COVID first became a concern, to riots and looting when people are scared and outraged.  

Imagine being the one in charge when such a delicate line of balance must be walked between giving us the information we need to protect our health and lives, while trying to avoid panic and riots…which could also endanger American lives.

On April 4, 2020, attempting to give some needed hope to the American People, Trump announced that the drug 
hydroxychloroquine was showing promising results.

This was followed by New York Governor Cuomo issuing an executive order limiting the use of hydroxychloroquine. The Nevada Board of Pharmacy did likewise. Idaho, Nevada, Ohio, Kentucky, North Carolina and Texas followed suit, making this potential life saving drug more difficult to obtain as people were dying from this virus.

 And now WHO has apparently blocked the trial of the promising drug—one that has been used for decades. Another possible retaliatory attack on our president? Or is it genuine concern?

Having been around for many years, I’ve never seen such undermining of a sitting US President before this. Typically, during a crisis when a possible cure is found, our medical community and government come together to celebrate and further test the potential cure, not ban or restrict one that appears promising. 

This gives credence to the many memes I’ve seen floating around the ether that suggest if Trump were to tout oxygen as good for us, many leftists would be standing there holding their collective breath. 

The leftist news media and democrats sharply criticized our president for “acting too soon,” and being “xenophobic,” only to shift from drive to reverse when they were proven wrong, and suddenly claiming he didn’t act soon enough.

And when a possible cure appeared on the horizon in the form of hydroxychloroquine? These same people couldn’t wait to try and shut it down. 

President Trump has made it known from day one that he is for the American people. The leftist news media organizations and democrats continue to prove their hatred and stance against President Trump.  

It’s not a far leap at all to realize that those leftists Trump-haters constantly attack Trump BECAUSE he is for the American people. 

Once you come to that realization, you know it must be Trump 2020

Not because of the pandemic. 

Not despite the pandemic. 

But because his swift and highly criticized response to protect us and keep us calm during this emergency, is exactly what a good president does when he loves his country and fellow Americans.

As we’ve all seen on the news, Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders each made it abundantly clear they would have NOT issued the travel ban that soon, confirming to the American people that we are not their first concern…

Luckily for us, Trump confirmed by his actions and words that we, the American people, are his top concern. 


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Jae Eubanks

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