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Trump Shot, Survives Assisination Attempt. How did this happen?

Last night in Pennsylvania, at a rally, President Trump was fired at and hit in his right ear. He survived the brutal attack, but there were innocent casualties. One death and two more critically wounded. The secret service killed the 20 year old shooter and investigations are happening, but I just have one main question:

How the Hell was this allowed to happen?

Was it just an absolute breakdown on security? Or was there an Inside man helping to facilitate his death? Some kind of conspiracy?

Many mainstream news outlets are saying it is just a terrible security failure, to which I agree with, however, it is no secret that the left has been trying to get rid of Trump in any way they could, from the first time he descended that escalator and announced he was running for President.

Fox News reports on the attempted assassination of President Trump.

They have lied about him, spied on him, used the full power of the Government and Justice department to go after him. They have impeached him, tried to prosecute him with anything and everything they could. They have thrown the kitchen sink at this man, trying to stop him; and when that hasn’t worked, now this?

This is one Hell of a coincidence in my view. That after expecting they would stop him in their last dich effort in a corrupt court system, and hoping it would kill his campaign, then having that fail so miserably, only ending up making him stronger like Obi-Wan; I believe his political opponents may have felt that this was the only way.

They have to be completely frustrated at their failures, I mean … the man JUST KEEPS WINNING! And the left just keeps losing. They may have just been at their last straw…

…and he may have just gotten on their last collective nerve.

That all makes perfect sense to me, I can even see how this could have all played out too.

Just the fact that I can write something like that and not just dismiss the idea out of hand, goes to show the outrageous state of politics and our bottomless-pit cesspool of a society we live in right now in the United States.

The first hints of information we are receiving about the shooter also seems a bit “convenient” a lone-wolf 20 year old man, shot dead seconds after shooting the President? Boy that sounds a lot like Lee Harvey Oswald the man that is blamed for killing JFK.

Hopefully we will be given all the evidence for the means, motive and so on, as to why and how this young man was able to pull this off, especially in this day and age of cell phones, security cameras, drones, spy satellites, the government compiling and annalizing all of our phone calls, gps data, emails, texts…you name it, how could no one have seen this coming and stopped it?

However, after all these decades since the JFK assassination, there are still questions about the grassy knoll too, so I won’t hold my breath.

Jason Haugen

Published by
Jason Haugen

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