
After Bolton Transcript leaked; Trump Calls For IG Report To Be Released By Schiff Without Changes. Suggests It may Link Schiff to Whistleblower.

After news comes out of a leaked transcript of John Bolton’s new book, that reportedly says that he had a conversation with the President; where the President allegedly admited witholding of aid to Ukrain, was done for political reasons. Trump demands Unedited IG report from Schiff.

The President has disputed Bolton’s alleged claim, and an attorney for Mick Mulvaney, Trump White House Acting Chief of Staff and Directer of the Office of Management and Budget, has also denied the allegation.

The GOP Came out with a rejection of the Bolton allegation, in a News Confrence below:

Trump Tweeted this morning demanding that Adam schiff release the IG report without any tampering. asking why Schiff “is so adiment?” and suggesting, that the report must leak Schiff to the Ukrain call Whistleblowe.

Schiff lied to Congress and the American people when he professed that he did not know who the whistleblower was, and that no one from his office had met with the whistleblower prior to his complaint.

The whistleblower had in fact met with Schiff’s staff before coming forward; allegedly to plan how best-for Democrats- to bring the complaint. Both Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi as well as other powerful Democrats have tried over and over to get rid of Trump by made up scandal and impeachment. Failing time and time again.

They have said that as soon as the Sanate inevitibly rules to quash this impeachment, that they will bring even more articles of impeachment against the President starting this entire process all over again.

See the President’s tweet below, as well as related articles about the impeachment attempts by Demoscrats against President Trump:

Schiff must release the IG report, without changes or tampering, which is said to be yet further exoneration of the Impeachment Hoax. He refuses to give it. Does it link him to Whistleblower? Why is he so adamant?

President Trump

Related: Search for all of our stories on Ukrain and Impeachment:


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