
Up-To-Date US & World Wide COVID-19 Numbers

TAKE A LOOK DOWN BELOW; for the John’s Hopkins Interactive COVID 19 map to see the latest numbers from anywhere in the world.

~Update~☆ May 22nd 2020 – The World Wide Cases Of Coronavirus have now reached 5,180,982. That is 3 million more cases than just over a month ago. With 336,432 deaths. The US is now at 1,598,631 cases with 95,847 deaths. If you look at the Update belpw from just a month ago, you can see that the US was only at 581 thousand active cases, and they have more than doubled in a month’s time. In April, we had just over 23 thousand deaths and we now have had more than 95 thousand.

☆~Update~☆ April 13th 2020 there are now More than 1.9 million people infected with the novel Coronavirus World wide. Here in the US we have 581,697 cases with more than 23,604 dead. We have been watching this since the end of January 2 and a half months later this virus has infected more than a half million of us and killed more than 23,000 people.

☆~Update~☆ April 3rd 2020 In the last 2 days the world has seen almost 100,000 more cases putting the new number over 1 million world wide: 1,088,878 cases with 58,382 dead. The US has reached 270,473 with double the amount of deaths than from 9/11 at 6,889 and rising. Stay Home if you can, and Stay Safe

☆~Update~☆ April 1st 2020 – In the last 2 days another 200,000 cases world wide have been diagnosed. The total number now stands at 911,308 with 45,497 dead. The US we are now up to 203,608 cases with more than 4,476 deaths, more now have died then died on 9/11. China has been overtaken by the US, Italy and Spain in coronavirus cases. So is there hope that this thing will finally plateau? Or is China still lying to the worl about the true number of cases that they have?

☆~Update~☆ March 29, 2020 – New Numbers for Coronavirus Cases: world wide we are now at 710,918 cases up more than 200,000 cases in just 2 days, with 33,597 deaths. In the United states we have jumped up 50 000 cases in the last 2 days we’ve now reached 136,880 with 2,409 Americans who have died from the deadly virus. Will there really be a plateau like they are telling us, will the spread finally slow to a trickle? China as been at 83,000 cases for a couple of weeks eventhough they are an over densely populated country, yet Italy and the US surpassed them in cases. Are they liying to the world about how bad it really is there; like they may have lied about how this all got started in the first place?

The United States has finally overtaken China with the most cases of Coronavirus. We are now at 86,012 cases here, is that what China planned all along? Is it crazy to think this may have been an attack using a biological weapon? Maybe it was really an accidental release; but is anyone actually buying that this came from a “fish market” that just happened to be next door to the only lab in China capable of storing and studying virus’ like the Coronavirus? There have been several reports that this was an escaped bioweapon, reports like the article below:

There are now, as of March 27th 2020 558,502 cases world wide and more than 25 thousand dead from it. Hopefully if people here stay calm, stay isolated and follow the Government’s recommendations, the spread of the virus here will level off, and we can all get back to our lives.

But politically and economically, are we being hit harder than China? Is this going to send us into a recession or depression? Or will this stimulus and recovery package that The Trump administration going to save us from all of that? If not, maybe that was China’s plan a long…we will have to see how they and us recover from all this and who comes out on top.

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